Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Going places

Chris got up before his alarm went off at 5:30. I never heard it, but was dimly aware of when he left. I got up soon after to do some sewing. It took me a bit to get situated, but I set up an ironing station and sewed strip sets. Then I read some e-mail and made breakfast. After that, I got dressed and headed out.
When I got to the church for quilting, I saw that there were only two tables of ladies there. I talked for a bit and took a pic of one lady binding a QOV. Then I sat with Beverly and cross-cut strip sets for my own QOV. Beverly gave me a large cup with a baby aloe plant in it.
When everyone packed up to leave, we did too. Beverly offered to drive so I agreed. We went to some thrift shops in the area. The first one had five sewing machines, but two were in cabinets, two were too expensive and the fifth was a slant shank. I had never seen a plastic machine with a slant shank before. I was surprised that it was less expensive than the one next to it which had no foot.
So we left and went to a larger one across and down the street. It was full of clothing, which we ignored. There was also glassware and furniture and books and records and … and two sewing machines. One was in a case and it was heavy. But the other was lighter and in it's own box, which was perfect. It was missing the spool holder on the spool pin, the bobbin cover and the foot. But then I found a snap-on foot in the bottom of the box. Beverly carried it up front and we plugged it in. The light came on and it made stitches. She got a cart and we carried back to the back. We asked a lady in the employee's section if she could mark it down. We explained about the missing pieces and she took off the $25 tag and replaced it with a $15 tag. Then we put the machine in the box and took it to the counter. The lady asked us if we were eligible for the senior discount. I said I would be 55 on my next birthday and I guess that was good enough. She charged me 11 and change for the machine. The box had some but not all the styrofoam, but I thought I could pad it with patterns to mail it to Korea.
We went to another thrift shop and it did not have any sewing machines. Weird. But I did buy a stepstool to use in the hotel kitchen. Then we went to another shop that also did not have any machines. Two in a row! But next to it was the Asian store where I buy kimbap. But the owner said the kimbap lady was having surgery so no kimbap until next week. Isn't that what she said two years ago? I bought some sesame seeds, but she didn't have hemp seed.
So then we went to the neighborhood store (a version of Walmart). We each found a few things there, like hemp seed and bee pollen.
She took me back to the church and we transferred my purchases to my car. Then we each left for home. Ok, well, I didn't go home because there wasn't time. Instead, I headed down Drake to Whitesburg, and then over to Weatherly to the farmer's market. It had just started. I walked around, stopping to visit with the owner of the goat farm. He had stopped selling the raw milk because they needed it to make cheese. He let me taste two of the flavors. Really good. I bought one, knowing it might cause hot flashes. I did not see the hydroponic man. I bought peaches in one place and tomatoes and cucumbers at another. I hoped to see Jennifer there, but I didn't. So I took my food and headed back.
I passed the Goodwill so I stopped to check. There were no sewing machines and no small appliances. So I figured those must be somewhere else. The dentist wasn't far so I went there next. The car sounded really stressed and then I realized I had overshot Drive into Low. I remembered the manual saying not to change gears while moving, so I slowed down until I could pull into the parking lot and park. I went to the desk and requested an appointment. She had to look up my file, then gave me a time on Thursday. That seemed really quick and I wondered if business was not so good. But it was good for me.
Then I went down to the place where I used to get massages. Gabriele was not there, but the lady gave me her business card so I could call to make an appointment.
Then I drove back to the hotel on post. I took my food and sewing material up to the room. Chris was there on his laptop. I ate some of the peaches and mixed some leftovers for supper. I read my e-mail. I went back to the car to get the machine and brought it to the room.
I used the Montgomery Ward sewing machine to fix my shoe. It had torn when Chris stepped on the back of it in the elevator several days ago. I folded up a scrap of white fabric and stitched it to the shoe on either side of the rip. It seemed to fix it, but only time will tell if it will hold.
Then I put that machine away and got out the Brother that I bought today. I used pieces that I cut this morning and made a block. It sewed really smoothly. Maybe I won't send it away after all.
We started watching TV early – around 7. Chris put on The 10th Kingdom, but it ended at 8. Then he put on a miniseries called Last of the Mohicans. I did not think it was particularly well done. Chris fell asleep during the first episode and woke up when the Herons attacked Monroe's daughters. We called it a night at the end of the episode. He fell asleep right away and I stayed up to blog, hoping to stay awake long enough.
* This Quilt of Valor is all hand-pieced. *

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