Sunday, August 27, 2017

Magnesium and more

I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. It was hot and I tried to turn on the AC but it wouldn't come on. I went back to bed. When morning came, I thought to turn on the blower – better than nothing. But when Chris got up, he moved the AC switch and it came on. What's up with that?
I drank Berkey water and swished. I took a shower. I used the new conditioner that goes with my expensive shampoo. When I got dressed, I realized there was no slip to go with my Sunday dress. I couldn't remember if I had one the last time I wore it. I asked Chris to hoist the suitcase to the bed so I could look for my earrings. At 10:15 we left for church.
We got there a little before the service. I talked to Jennifer and she invited me over sometime to see if she had anything we might need in our new house. When it was time for the scripture reading, no one walked up and so Chris jumped up with his bulletin and did both readings. I was very proud of him. Then we had a very good sermon – about how God trusts us with the keys to the kingdom.
After the service, I stood around talking to people and catching up. Since we had gone to the grocery store on Friday, we did not need to stop again, so we went back to the motel.
I changed my clothes and made breakfast. I looked up more information on magnesium supplements. I found most of them were comprised of the cheap not-well-absorbed types which often had unwanted ingredients.
Then I started the next episode of GMOs Revealed: Researchers have learned to engineer the RNA of cells which leads to epigenetic changes. Use of glyphosate or Round up leads to monocropping, getting rid of the diversity of plant, animal and microbial life found in the environment. Many type 2 diabetics given GMO insulin develop type 1 diabetes as well.
I read some e-mail, and continued my study of magnesium products. At 4 we went for a long walk around a nearby neighborhood. It was almost 70 minutes. Then I went back to the magnesium products. There were over 500 of them. Chris made cauliflower steaks, so I took a break to eat before doing more research. Then my focus changed to hydroxyapatite for teeth.
We watched three episodes of SHIELD and Chris went to bed. I took my evening supplements and wrote my blog post so I could go to bed, too.

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