Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Moving in

Chris got up at 5:45 and got ready for work. I stayed in bed so as not to be in his way. After he left, I put on the next episode of GMOs Revealed and laid down again. The speaker was someone in favor of GMOs who worked with farme9rs to help them increase yields and market their crops. He said there isn't a crop today that hasn't been modified by man in some way. 165 GM crops have been approved. 93% of soy in America is Roundup Ready soy in America,. The speaker said herbicides and pesticides previous to glyphosate were more dangerous so he'd rather eat GMO food than the food produced in the 70's and 80's.
I got up to drink water and swish. When it was over, I took a shower and got dressed. I prepared breakfast. I packed things in the remaining suitcase and some boxes. Then I ate my breakfast. I finished another audio from yesterday, and cleared e-mail. I tried to pack Chris' pillow in the suitcase, because I didn't want to be seen carrying a pillow out of the motel, but it did not fit with the other stuff.
I Facebooked Beverly to arrange a time to meet. I moved boxes and a suitcase from the room to the car. It took longer than I thought because I couldn't take big armfuls like Chris can. I also got the remaining items from the fridge and bathroom. I emptied the Berkey and put it in a large bag. I also carried out the folding table and the step stool. By the time I finished, it was just after 10:30. I checked the room several times to be sure I had everything. Then I drove to the house to drop off all the stuff. Some of it had to go in the fridge. Then I went to the hotel to check out and get a printout. It was almost 11 so I went to the post office, which I forgot to do yesterday. In our p.o. Box was a letter and a yellow slip and a key. I took the yellow slip to the front desk. The man said I had two packages. Then I showed him the key. He said it opened a parcel box so I could get my package without coming to the front desk. That applied to a third package which was rather large. Don't ask me why it got special treatment. Anyway, I carried the first two to the car. When I turned around, a lady in a postal uniform was bringing the larger box. She kindly put it in the trunk for me.
Then I took a moment to call Beverly before I went to the house to drop off the packages. I left everything in the garage so it wouldn't smell like paint. I opened some more windows. The two in the master bedroom would not stay open, so I propped them with packages. Then I went to the church to meet Beverly.
I left my car there and she took us to the Holiday market where we both got kimbap. Then we went thrifting. I found a better set of measuring cups and some mixing bowls. We also stopped at Huntsville Sew-n-Vac to pick up a bobbin cover. But they did not have the one to fit my machine. The one they ordered did not have the right shape. We hit one more thrift shop and then I had to go back. She returned me to my car and I drove to the house.
I arrived at 1:55, in time to meet the internet guy who was supposed to arrive between 2 and 4. I got some kimchi from the fridge and ate my kimbap. I used my phone to check my e-mail. There was one from Chris saying I should inflate one of the matresses and see if I wanted to stay at our house tonight or stay with his friend Rob for one night. So, I pulled out one mattress and pumped it up. I laid on it and played one of the interviews. The mattress seemed fine to me. I hung up the shower curtain. It matched the off-yellow walls (and ceilings and doors and trims). Then I sat in a chair by the window in case the internet guy came. But Chris arrived first. Then he left, taking my car to get a registration for his car. I started bringing in stuff from the garage. When Chris got back, he called the internet people and they said the guy was going to be an hour late. I considered how to arrange stuff in the cupboard. Some were very deep, providing hard-to-access space. There were base corner cabinets which should have had lazy susans in them. Chris helped me move some of the shelves so the vinegar would fit. I used several long boxes to put my special foods in so I could use the deep space better. We talked about where our furniture should go. The wide open space seems nice for a living room, but most of our furniture belongs on a wall and there isn't enough wall space for all of it.
Then the internet man arrived. He and Chris futzed with the modem and router to get it all synced. But our router would not sync so we had to use his. After he left, we went to WalMart to get washcloths and paper towels and dishwasher detergent. On the way, he suggested that he rent a car on Friday to drive to Atlanta to pick up his car. If I was willing, all I would have to do is drive the rental car from the point of pickup to the nearby rental place. Good-bye, Friday.
When we got back, we ran loaner and thrift kitchen stuff through the dishwasher. While it washed, we sat at the little folding table with our laptops, trying to catch up on e-mail. Chris wanted to play his game, so I took my evening supplements and added water to the Berkey. I also made up a week's worth of supplements for both day and evening. Then I pumped up the other mattress and put sheets on both. I rescued my pillow from the suitcase it has been in since we left Korea. I typed up my blog.
Finally Chris was ready. He cued up Netflix and we watched one episode of SHIELD. Then he went to bed and I stayed up briefly to post to my blog.
* We saw this wallhanging at HSV. Every bit of it is machine-embroidered. I'll bet it took a long time. *

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