Monday, August 28, 2017

So close to moving in

Chris got up at 5:30 and got ready for work. I got up when he left. I drank water and got started with the next episode of GMOs Revealed: meat processing people can tell when they cut open an animal that has been fed GMO's by the color and the smell of the meat. There is a heavily guarded seed vault, supported by the likes of Bill Gates, Rockefeller, Dupont, Monsanto to take over the food supply. Gene editing and gene silencing – labeling is not required because you're not introducing genes from another species into the organism. Gene silencing, through RNA, is already in the marketplace – Artic apple. Safety studies are not required by the government. These processes do not show up in tests for genetic modifications. These foods are harder to digest. That increases stress on the body. Once a food has been labeled organic, it can always be labeled organic even if conditions have changed. Farmed salmon are being fed GMO corn and soy.
After the interview was over, I got dressed. I cleared items from the bathroom and bed that might interfere with the weekly cleaning. I scraped the remaining coconut oil from the big jar and refilled the small jar. I made and ate breakfast.
I brought in two of the empty suitcases from the car. I picked up my sewing machine and sewing notions. I drove to the church where the ladies were setting up. Then I discovered that I had left the fabric squares at the motel.
So I looked at what the other ladies were making. When Bertha came, we went out to the parking lot so she and Carolyn could move some items to my car. I discovered a sewing project in my trunk.
Soon it was lunch time. I sat with the ladies and ate my egg and orange. Then I laid out the pieces of the project. It was a block of the month and I did not have the instructions. So I played with the pieces and took a pic.
At 1:30 I went to get Chris. It didn't take as long as I thought. I parked and waited for about 15 minutes. When he walked up, he was on the phone with Housing. They were telling him that the house wasn't ready to be inhabited for 24 because the counter tops and tubs had just been resurfaced.
We drove to Housing to sign the papers and do the walk-through. They were going to charge us rent starting today but Chris protested since we could not move in. So they started rent tomorrow.
When we did the walk-through, I choked on the fumes. I pointed out stained cupboards, a missing shelf in fridge, and one garage remote that didn't work. After she left, we unloaded the car, then went back to the motel. We ate supper. Chris got a call from the storage company saying they wanted to deliver the stuff on Wednesday.
Then we packed most of our stuff into suitcases and boxes. We took them to the house and left everything in the garage so it wouldn't smell like paint. We turned off the AC and opened all the windows. We came back to the room to get our library books and dropped them off. We passed a van that reminded us of Scooby-doo. Chris asked me to take a pic, so I did.
When we got to the motel room, we read e-mail. I finalized a Swanson order while listening to a talk on weight loss. I paused it when Chris was ready to watch TV. We saw two episodes and then Chris turned in for the night. I had my blog almost written, so I finished it up quickly, posted it, and went to bed.
* Chris suggested that I post this. *

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