Saturday, September 2, 2017

Another day of unpacking

I slept in. Each time I woke up, I felt too tired to get up. I think it was almost 10 when I did. I started my day by washing lots of cookware and dishes that we unpacked yesterday. Chris washed clothes and linens. I wrote a check. Taking it to the mail box, I ran into the web that the spider put back up. I guess it is an optimist.
I discovered that the mums fit perfectly in fountain frame and decided I should get more. I pulled some weeds in the front flower bed. This neighborhood is full of cookie cutter houses, with similar bushes planted in front of each one. I hardly see anyone out. It's unreal. I half expected some drone to come flying up and tell me to cease and desist.
We unpacked boxes in living room, and tried to decide how to arrange the furniture. Chris put the unpacked pillows in the dryer to freshen them. After hours of that, I needed a break. Chris said we did really well today, unpacking all the boxes in the living room. But from my perspective, all we did was eliminate the cardboard. The stuff still wasn't put away.
I rested, then ate some seed crackers. Then we went to Publix for groceries so we wouldn't have to go tomorrow. From there we went to the fish market for a bag of fish bones. The lady in charge remembered me quite well. She said long time no see.
When we got back, we put the groceries away. I took the pillows out of the dryer and put the next load of linens in. Chris put a chicken in a baking dish. We cut up garlic and onions to go with it. Then we took out a trash bag and filled it from a box of trash and put the chicken package in it and Chris took it out of the house.
There was enough trash to fill part of another bed. Chris cut up potatoes and egg plant and roasted them in the oven.
While it cooked, we read e-mail. The potatoes finished first. I ate my portion on the porch outside to cool off from hot flashes. It was nice out there and I could smell someone barbecuing.
I read e-mail until almost 8. Then the chicken was ready. We ate some chicken and we discussed the Seralini study. I looked at articles on the vaccination issue and shared one on my Facebook page. Another article talked about how some people who are against abortion don't realize that many vaccines are made from aborted fetal cells. And some people who are pro-choice on the abortion issue are in favor of mandatory (i.e. no choice) on the vaccine issue.
We watched two episodes of SHIELD. Chris went to bed. I took my evening supplements. I spotted a roach in the kitchen but could not track it down in time. I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* I took this pic today, but it would have gone better with yesterday's post. *

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