Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Still a no-sew zone

I got up sometime after Chris left for work. I drank several glasses of water. I got a tiny piece of glass stuck in my foot. I could not see it, even with a magnifying glass. So I called Chris and he said to come over. I got dressed, hobbled to the car and drove to work. I called from the car and he came out and was able to remove it. On the way back, I stopped at the post office (to salvage something from the trip). The office did not open until 9:30, but I opened the box and found two bottles of supplements.
I went home and packed the car with items I had borrowed from Bertha and Carolyn. I took pics of Bertha's quilts before I packed them. Every house on the street had an immaculate yard which made ours look bad. So I rolled up the hose and put the pots out of sight.
I made breakfast, sway-testing for each ingredient. After I ate, I put my sewing stuff in the car, grabbed an umbrella and drove to quilting.
There weren't many ladies there, although a number dropped in just for a bit. Bertha helped me move what she loaned us to her car. She encouraged us to keep the bright pink yard stick. I hadn't asked to borrow one, but I should have. It came in so handy. Carolyn told me to keep all the stuff she lent us: mugs, bakeware, a very nice pot, and sheets.
For more than an hour, I visited, enjoying some social time after staying home all last week. Then I got out my machine and started sewing. I decided to chain-piece and once I got through the first chain, I discovered that the bobbin thread wasn't feeding through properly. So I pulled it out of the whole chain and wound the top thread back onto the cone. Then I sewing the chain again, and pressed it. I started the second round, but ran out of centers.
The rain got heavier. Ladies packed up to go home about 3, in anticipation of the hurricane. I had wanted to go to the bank and Publix because they are near quilting, but went home in case the weather suddenly got really bad.
Chris let me in the house. Everyone on the base had been sent home 59 minutes early. And everything was canceled for tomorrow and gates closed. I grabbed a few bites for lunch and then we unpacked boxes in garage. We found a pair of computer speakers in one. I hooked them up to my laptop, hoping to make it more audible, but the sound level was about the same.
I read e-mail. I saw that Linus project looking for 5000 blankets for Texas. I wanted to rush to my room to make quilts, but it was such a mess and there was nowhere to sew. I started organizing while listening to Nick Ortner's tapping presentation. Then I listened to an interview on the wonderful world of parasites.
Chris cooked brown rice noodles for supper. I had a bowl of that since it proclaimed to be gluten-free and Terri had given it to me. Then I read more from my library book. I fell asleep before I finished it. At some point, Chris roused me just enough to get me to bed. But then I laid half awake, feeling my intestines at work. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten the noodles?
Eventually I went to sleep, not having blogged, or taken my evening supplements or worrying about the hurricane.
* No sewing in this room *

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