Sunday, September 10, 2017

Starting a batch of kefir

I slept pretty well. I woke up before 8, but stayed in bed for a bit. I got up to take some vitamin C and read e-mail. At 9:30 I took a shower and got dressed for church. Chris was going to do the same, but I told him to stay home because he still sounded sick. I put more comfortable shoes in a plastic bag and headed out.
I got to church in plenty of time. I sat quietly in my pew. Jennifer handed me a choir folder, but when I tried to look at the music for today, she said it wasn't in there. So I decided not to sing. Doris gave me a big hug, and told me a little about her surgery.
The service went well. The sermon was about how human the members of Christ's body are. And maybe that IS the main work of the church.
After the service, there was food to celebrate September birthdays. I had some fruit chunks and spoke to several people. Then I followed Jennifer home. She showed me the plants she had growing and picked some herbs and cherry tomatoes to give me. She also gave me a small container of kefir grains and a small frozen thing to keep them cold (and some old plant pots so I could do some container gardening.)
I left her house, changed my shoes and went to Publix for groceries. I had the list but not my phone so I couldn't call Chris if I had questions. I got the cheese first and then went for the tortillas. There was an old woman standing in front of them, checking each and every package. I waited and waited, and then grabbed a package of large flour tortillas, but not the brand Chris usually buys. I continued my shopping. But later I had to pass that aisle again, and the lady was still there, trying to decide. She reminded me of someone I know. When I had everything on the list and a few more things, I checked out and drove home.
Chris helped me bring in all the groceries from the car. He put them away while I changed my clothes. I put Jennifer's herbs in water. I put the kefir grains in a cup of organic milk. I got out the hose and hooked it up so I could water the mums. Then we went out back and put stuff from the back porch in the outside storage unit to protect from the rain. One set of shelves went to the garage and a larger matching one went into the sewing room. Then we opened boxes in the garage. There was more fabric, quilting and otherwise. There were lots of books and magazines and lead figures. There was a 12” statue that was broken. I photographed it for the moving company. There were tools and electrical stuff. But no garden tools (unless you count the watering can).
Around 6 we called it a day. Chris cooked up ground beef with stewed tomatoes for supper. I read from my library book until he was ready to watch TV. We had time for two episodes before he turned it off for the night. I took a break between episodes to made tea and have some watermelon. He fixed the drawer slide the broke this morning and then went to bed.
I was sorely tempted to go back to reading the book after TV, but the storyline was a little too dark to read at night before bed. So I sat down to type up my blog post for the day.
* The packing company won't have a leg to stand on if they refuse to pay damages. *

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