Thursday, September 21, 2017

Making hay while the sun shines

I got up at 8 and rinsed the nuts I had left in a bowl to soak overnight. I got dressed. I listened to an audio on tapping for money issues, but as it turned out, there was no actual tapping involved. Another one was on smart meters and 5G dangers.
I made a new batch of fermented nut cheese, and left it to ferment. Then I made and ate breakfast. I watched the first episode of a summit on reversing dementia. It seemed more like a sales pitch for watching the rest of the summit.
I played the hymn on my trombone that Jennifer suggested. I wanted to play a variation on the tune as well, but I needed staff paper to write it down as I worked it out. I couldn't find any.
I watered the flowers and went to quilting. I worked on sewing random squares together. And of course, chatting with the other women.
On the way home, I stopped at a thrift shop. There were two bread machines on the back wall. One had a scratched bread pan, like someone tried to pry the bread out with a knife. But the other one looked good. The lady at the desk said I could have it for $8. I said I would pay $10. Then I asked if she had an espresso machine. She pulled one out that hadn't been priced yet. Since I was prepared to pay $15 each, I offered her $30 for the both and she accepted. I paid and she helped me carry the appliances to the car. She asked if I knew anyone who was willing to volunteer in the store. It made me wish I hadn't given all my time away.
When I got home, I brought in the appliances and my sewing stuff. I had an early supper, and washed the new bread machine and pan. I listened to an audio and read the bread machine manual online. I paused it when Chris came home from work. He said the Org Day menu was expanded and did I want to go after all? So I looked over the menu and chose the salmon.
The yard was full of grass clippings from its recent mowing. So I got out a rake and pulled them all to the back fence. I got blisters on my hands from the wooden handle.
I drank several glasses of water and wiped the sweat off. I read e-mail until my tapping buddy called. We tapped for her issues and getting to sleep.
Then I practiced my trombone until Chris was ready to watch TV. We watched three episodes of Lucifer. Then, as usual, Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.

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