Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Such interesting videos

I woke up about 6:25. Chris was gone. I poured a glass of water and mixed some magnesium ascorbate into it because the regular vitamin C was missing. I put sunflower seeds and cashews in a bowl of water to soak.
I started listening to the rest of the interviews on GMO's: The BT in BT corn is useless now because the insects have developed resistance. The crop seeds are soaked in neonicotinoids and then planted. The neonicotinoids, which are water soluble, are then taken up by every cell of the plant as it grows. They are systemic. Many commercial beekeepers started feeding their bees high fructose corn syrup so they could sell ALL the honey the bees produced. When the corn syrup was made from corn with neonicotinoids, the bees would start dying 23 weeks later. Honey bees are more efficient than other pollinators and are critical to the almond and berry crops. Farmers can't save GMO seeds from this year's crop for next year because of some enzyme that reduces their vitality. Neonicotinoids are the most used pesticides and have a long half life. The associate professor doing the research said there is no place free of neonicotinoids for us to compare their bees with ours. Since WW2,we have lost 50% of our bees. They could be replaced by Africanized Italian bees, but those are aggressive. There are some rumors of GMO bees being developed, that don't overwinter. You'd have to buy new ones every spring. Most neonicotinoids are produced by European countries. Europe has banned them for two years. But the U.S. Won't do the same.
I happened to look out the window. I saw two guys with a truck come and take some of our boxes. I hoped they would come back for the rest.
I watched another video on smart meters and what to do if you don't want one: Governments are just corporations. Notice of smart meter installation is like an offered contract. No response from you mean you accept. As in a contract, you can make a counter offer - “if you put a smart meter on my house, you agree to pay me. X a day.”
Write a registered letter to the president, ceo, city manager, accepting oath of office, informing them that your rights are being violated, notice of non-acceptance, lack of full disclosure. Write three letters: notice of liability, notice of fault, and notice of default. Then billing can start.
I went outside and rescued a few smaller boxes. Then it started to rain. I made seaweed soup with bone broth. Then I made and ate breakfast. I put away all the kitchen items that were washed and left out on the counters.
I moved two shelving units from the guest bedroom to the sewing room. One was missing a shelf. So I went into the garage to look for it. I opened a number of boxes, and shifted some around. I found lead figures. And a little bit of fabric. But mostly it was stuff I did not care to unpack. It was hot and humid, but we still had the AC off because the windows were open for fresh air.
I called my massage therapist to see if she still wanted me to come, given that I have been sick. She said yes, as long as I wasn't coughing and sneezing, or feverish. At 3 I took a shower and put on clean clothes. I jumped in the car and drove to the parkway. I was going to use it instead of the access road, but I followed the signs and it put me back on the access almost immediately.
When I got to the store where she rents a massage room, I walked around the store looking at all the supplements. It was a vast array. She called and said she would be late, so I sat down to wait. When she arrived, she had her daughter with her. But her daughter went in the office. Gabriele put clean sheets on the massage table and left me to get undressed and under the blanket. When she came back, she worked on my psoas and illiac. It was kind of painful but I was used to that from being in Korea. She also worked the knots out of my thighs and calves.
When it was over, she left me to get dressed. Then she came back and I paid her. We set up another appointment for next week.
Traffic was dense. I was able to get into line and drove down to Home Depot. I got another 4 mums, purple ones this time. Then I went home.
Chris was on his laptop. He jumped up to say he had roasted me some eggplant and cauliflower. So I ate most of what he hadn't already eaten. I caught up on the most recent e-mail. I watched some tapping videos.
Then we moved Grandma's sewing machine cabinet into the guest room. He found the missing shelf. We unpacked a box in the dining room. He told me the moving men were coming back tomorrow afternoon to set up the table in there. Then we spent about an hour unpacking boxes from the big closet in the living room. We found some sheets and did a load of laundry. Some items went to the donation box, and some went back in the boxed they came from. But we still amassed a pile of paper and boxes.
At 9 we watched one episode of SHIELD. Then Chris took out the garbage and went to bed. I tried to remember what all I did today so I could record it for you all to read.
* This is a supplement I saw in the store, but it did not say what it was for. So I took a pic to look It up later. 8

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