Sunday, September 17, 2017

Making blankets for hurricane survivors

I slept a little late, but even then did not feel like getting up. So I stayed in bed, tapping and setting positive intentions for the future. I got up about 9 and realized I needed to leave for church before 10. So, I drank water and took some vitamin C. I had my shower and chose a dress. It needed ironing, so I gave it a quick press. It had a hole in one seam, but there wasn't time to fix it so I just put it on. I grabbed a quick bite of seed cracker and packed some in a baggie. I also grabbed the dried bananas and threw them in my purse. I carried my machine out to the car and took a pair of flats for later. Because I needed to leave early for choir practice and I wanted to go straight to quilting afterward, Chris asked to stay home from church.
I headed out before 9, but had to turn around when I realized I had forgotten my choir folder. There was an odd noise in my car as well. When Chris saw me coming, he grabbed my folder and handed it to me. I mentioned the noise and the feeling that the car was holding back. He climbed into the passenger seat and we made a small trip down the street and back. He switched off the AC and we tried it again. The noise was gone but not the pulling back. He said to take it to the dealership.
Finally I was on my way to church, praying I would not be late, even though I did not see how that was possible. I sang hymns to warm up my vocal cords. When I got to church, the choir hadn't started yet. I had time to greet several people and get into place. Then I realized I had forgotten my glasses. So I looked on with Roz since she had large print music. Someone suggested I borrow a pair of readers provided in a basket at the welcome desk. So after we practiced the anthem, I went out to get the readers and a bulletin.
I sat in my usual pew with Don and then a lady named Loretta came and sat with us. The service had a new setting: setting 8. So the responsorials were different from last Sunday. I don't think Chris would have liked it.
After the service, I talked at length with Loretta. Then I went to my car, where I changed shoes. I drove to the Adventist church where Renegades were making fleece blankets for Project Hurricane. Plenty of fleece was provided. I started by sewing three fleece panels together. Then I trimmed off the selvage edges. I turned the raw edges under once and stitched them down. Tina gave me a stack of labels. I sewed one on. Then I was handed a pile of fleece blankets to label. Here and there I sneaked a piece of seed cracker or banana bit. Then someone gave me a fleece blanket whose edges had been cut into flanges to be turned inside out. I went around the whole thing then sewed a label on it. Finally I picked a piece of minki from the table. I trimmed the raw edges to straighten them and cut off the selvage edges. I rolled the raw edges under twice and stitched them down. At that point, every one else was finished and packing up. Even Norm, who always comes to sew with this group. He is 88. He drives himself and brings a table-mounted machine.
When I finished the blanket, we folded up all the tables and Lynette vacuumed the floor. We had 49 blankets. I took my sewing stuff to the car and drove back to base.
Chris was on his laptop. He had gone grocery shopping. He asked if we had any glue so I got out the glue box but warned him that it had been in storage for 2 years. He wanted to glue the lead figures back onto their bases; the ones that the packers had packed sideways. Then we went looking for the ice cube trays and eventually found them on top of the juicer.
He pulled a baking dish of chicken out of the oven. We ate at the dining room table. Then I sat outside and read my book during the sunset. After dark, I came in and called Cecelia. We agreed on a time for me to go visit. Then I read for another hour. Then we watched more episodes of Above Suspicion. Seems to me that the writers like to show the pics of gory murders more often than necessary.
After the second one, Chris went to bed. I sat down to write down the events of the day.
* I did not nake the ones in the pic, but I did sew labels on them. *

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