Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Unpacking the sewing room

I woke up in the middle of the night, congested. I got up for water and went back to bed. I laid awake for awhile. I heard Reveille played at 6:30. It would have bothered me had I not been awake already. I think it woke Chris up. He boiled some water and made fresh ginger tea. I put some drops of peppermint oil on a tissue and sniffed that while Chris boiled more water. I put a towel in the sink with more peppermint oil. He poured boiling water on it and I made a tent with another towel to breathe in the steam. It did not last long because the sink stopper did not make a tight seal. I gargled with salt water. I took some vitamin C. I swished with coconut oil and mineral drops. I read e-mail while drinking more ginger tea. With a q-tip, I put hydrogen peroxide in my ears. There was quilting today, but I did not go.
Chris and I went in the sewing room and unpacked boxes and moved furniture and stuff around the room. When my back started to hurt, we took a break. I made breakfast and watched a video on smart meters. Then we did another round of boxes, finishing all the ones in the room and all the shelves, too.
While Chris took a break, I discovered that the piece that holds the legs on Grandma's sewing cabinet had been bent. Chris was able to fix it with a pipe wrench and a railroad spike (no hammer yet.)
Later we took a walk around the circle in our neighborhood. Chris watered the mums. I asked him to bend the circles back into place and he said he already did, but one broke off. I went looking for the large flower bowl for the fountain stand. I found a box in the garage with fabric piled over diry tools. I pulled the fabric out and shoved it in with the fabric on bookcases. A shoe horn would have come in handy. Then we ate some chicken for supper.
I sat outside and notice birds flying overhead, diving and swooping. Chris came out with cherries and watched them with me. He said they were catching insects.
After we came in, I read some e-mail. There was a surprise 10th episode of GMO's Revealed. I listened to the first interview segment. Chris pointed out the full moon (which would explain the howling I heard last night.) I wrote my phone number on a card for Chris to give to Rob to give to Carla. Then we watched two episodes of SHIELD. I fell asleep on the couch. Chris went to bed. I woke up on enough to post to my blog, and then I went to bed, too.
* all the boxes Chris put out at the curb. *

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