Monday, January 8, 2018

An evening with F-Troop

I got up at 8:45. With the theme for Voyager running through my head, I needed to know the theme to ST:TNG. So I stitched a border section onto a leaf block. Then I powered up my laptop and searched Youtube for the theme. Once I heard it, it seemed so familiar. How could I forget?
I read e-mail, then made and ate breakfast. I made up more spice mix. I hadn't gotten an announcement for quilting today, so I called Bertha. Apparently everyone else got the announcement. So I got dressed, and packed a quick lunch. It was raining, so I used my umbrella as I loaded my machine in the car. Then I drove to quilting.
I parked by the curb and unloaded my cart under the overhang. Then I moved the car to the parking lot. The ladies were just finishing lunch. I stored my stuff in a corner and joined them at the table. I had seed crackers and dried bananas.
After lunch, I got out my machine. I did some sewing on the Renegades strip quilt from yesterday. I gave the charity quilt top to Dinah before she left. I showed Lauri one of my new quilting rulers. She wanted to know how well it worked once I used it. Some of the ladies stayed late. I would have too, but it stopped raining and I wanted to get while the getting was good. So I packed up at 3:30 and was home by 4.
When I got home , Chris had brought a box from the post office and left it on my laptop. I put away the supplements from the box. I got the house mail. Chris told me I needed to pay the car tags tomorrow at the place on post. Then he got turkey burgers from the freezer and had a heck of a time separating them to lay in the baking pan. He asked if we were going to Augusta next weekend and I said I was waiting for him to give me the go-ahead, which he said he had already done. So I sent a message to Mary to see if it was too late to plan a trip.
After reading e-mail, listening to an audio, and playing Solitaire, I went back to sewing.
I fixed a leaf block. Then I trimmed the rest of the nine patches.
Chris put the latest F-Troop DVD in the player and we spent the rest of the evening watching the antics of Agarn and O'Rourke. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog, wishing I were in bed.
* This is a QOV one of the Renegades ladies was working on yesterday. *

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