Friday, January 26, 2018

Labels and forms

I got up at 8:30, feeling like I hadn't slept much. I sewed a strip to satisfy my new year's resolution. I got on my laptop and posted my blog for yesterday. Kurt said his breakfast was short, not having my blog to read.
I did some head paida with a video. Then I did some lajin while listening to an audio. There was a special lajin postion for losing weight and I tried that one, too.
I made up 12 days of supplements. I checked my orders to see what was coming in the mail, and added the others to my cart. I was $3 short of getting 15% off.
I made and ate breakfast. I watched a video where a doctor took a gauss meter and measured output of devices around his house and car. Some were pretty high, especially the blender. Then I did an online meditation. It was a nice day so I went for a long walk. When I got back, I ate the half avocado from last night.
I read an article praising the new technology of nano crystal electricity: wireless electricity. It sounded like quite a convenience, but would it have drawbacks as well?
I sewed on strips to some blocks.
Then I decided to work on labels as long as I had daylight. I looked for the new book form on my computer. But the computer said the file was corrupted. So I made a new form from the book checkout form. I needed an extra column but it would not give me that option so I just pretended it was there and wrote the info. I called her to make sure it was what she wanted, then I printed the labels and the form. I affixed the labels to the book cards and pockets and put the pockets in the books. All except for one book which had no blank pages. She will have to decide where the pocket goes.
I finished putting the borders on all the blocks. I trimmed them to 14.5 inches and laid them out on the table with sashing. I wanted to pick a fabric for corner stones, but it was too dark by then.
Chris came home from work. He brought me two Swanson boxes. I unpacked the supplements and checked the invoices. I ate some chicken. Michele called Chris to play the dinosaur game. I made a salad and watched X-Files on the Fox website. It was a comic episode.
At 8 Chris hung up with Michele. We searched for the DVD remote. Chris found it under the couch cushion. F-Troop had come in the mail so we watched the whole DVD, about 6 episodes. Then Chris looked up one of the cameo characters. But she wasn't in anything else we had seen. I posted to my blog so Kurt would be sure to have something to read for breakfast tomorrow.

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