Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Passing it on to Chris

I got up just after 8. Chris was long gone. True to my new years resolution, I headed for my sewing table. Because the purse was finished, I had to think of something else. I pulled out the leaf blocks. I laid them out on point and shifted some around, then took a pic. I decided to take one block at a time, trim it and add a complementary 1” border. Well, the fabric to go with the first block had not been washed. And there went my morning. I had new fabric that hadn't been washed. And I hated to do less than a full load, so I found more. While it washed, I cut some 1.5 inch strips from another fabric and joined them end to end. Thus having stitched, I allowed myself to turn on the computer and read e-mail while the washer ran. I also found a box to mail Michele's purse in. But I had to carefully scratch off two large labels. Then I put the purse in and covered it with paper which I got from the garage (where it was really really cold, like <10F).
I put most of the washed fabric in the dryer and ironed the rest (mostly fat quarters) while it ran. But I had forgotten to set to only mostly dry. When the fabrics came out, they were bone dry. And just as the dryer buzzed, my phone rang. It was Chris telling me he had a slight fever and was coming home and did I want him to get videos from the library?
I had to spritz the fabric while ironing. When Chris arrived, I stopped to talk to him. Then I made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail. I went back to ironing until it was finished.
Then I read articles I had missed before on how the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation takes donations from the very rich, and makes grants to large corporations that they either own or have controlling interest in. The comments suggested Bill wants to reduce the world population through vaccines contaminated with birth control drugs.
Tired of all comments, I went back to the leaf blocks. I cut strips from several darkish purple fabrics. I auditioned some and chose one for the first block. I cut segments of exactly 12.5 inches and sewed them on opposite sides. Then I cut 14.5 inch segments for the remaining sides. I performed the same procedure for the second block.
I quit sewing about 6pm. The next step was to chose a border for the third block and I needed daylight for that. Daylight was long gone.
I went to the kitchen to prepare a bowl of soup. While it heated in the toaster oven, I washed a bunch of salad greens and sprouts. I added olives and sunflower seeds to my salad. When I had almost finished eating it, the soup was ready. I added some chunks of ham to it. It was quite good.
Then I played several games of Solitaire, waiting for 8 o'clock. Then we watched three episodes of Voyager. Chris was falling asleep during the third one. So he went to bed after it was over. I stayed up to take my evening supplements and write to my blog. I prayed that Chris would be healthy tomorrow and go back to work.
* How to make a square out of 13 blocks *

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