Tuesday, January 23, 2018


I woke up around 7. I tried doing lajin and paida while still in bed. I had no way to time either except to count and I lost count. So I got up. It was still way before 8. I sewed two scrap squares together. I pressed and auditioned the two yellow/orange fabrics from yesterday. Then I turned on the router, and checked e-mail. I did more lajin but with chairs, while listening to Deepak. Then I got dressed and took out recyclables without putting on a coat. It seemed like a nice, cool, spring day.
When I came to a good stopping point on e-mail, I put on my coat and picked up my purple quilt top. I hopped in my car and drove to the sewing group on Jordan.
Beverly was there. Anita was helping her arrange blocks on a flannel display board. There was some discussion about what to do with the 9 inch squares that were too small. I showed off my purple quilt top, then helped with the blocks. Anita had to leave, but Beverly and I stayed until after everyone was gone.
We went walking in the neighborhood behind the church. It took about half an hour. I was cold at first. It felt like the temperature had dropped. But as we walked, I became comfortable. When we returned to the church, I got in Beverly's car and she drove us to the Asian market for kimbap.
Then we went to Sprouts. I had never been there before, but had heard they sell a lot of organic food. As we walked around the store, I looked for apple chips, and essential oils, and cashews, and a cauliflower. They did not have the essential oil that I wanted. But I also got avocados, mahi mahi, blackberries (which were on sale), organic soup (also on sale) and kale chips. We checked out and when we got to her car, I opened the bag of kale chips. I was hungry. But they were not what I expected. Previously I had curly kale chips and these were flat. We ate some and went back to the church.
We said goodbye and I got in my car and drove back to the arsenal. I put the food away, then ate my kimbap with kimchi. It was good but a little more filling than I remembered.
Then I read e-mail and listened to some audios. I looked into sensory deprivation tanks. I sent a message about them to my massage therapist. Then I found that Huntsville actually has a commercial float spa now. I was highly tempted to schedule a time.
Chris came home from work. I cut strips for sashing from two different orange fabrics. I calculated how many more blocks I could border with my remaining green fabric. Three at most, but there were six blocks left. I tried to decide which blocks would get a different border before the daylight faded.
Somehow I ended up back at my laptop, reading e-mail and listening to audios on plant-based medicine.
At 8 we watched three episodes of Voyager; the last one was the first of a two-parter. Darn. Chris made his lunch for tomorrow and went to bed. I stayed up to write this blog post.

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