Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Catching up with Dad

I got up at 8. I sewed some sashing strips together and put some on blocks. Then I checked e-mail. I listened to an audio while doing some paida and lajin. I ate some seed crackers with hummus. Then I got dressed and went to the Tuesday group.
I met Jody as I walked in. We talked for a while, then she had to go get something from her car. Beverly came in with her quilt top made of squares from baby outfits. It was nice. But I had forgotten my phone so could not take a picture. I pulled out my fleece rug and cut strips to crochet. I socialized for hours. The other ladies left and April came over. So it was April, Beverly and me. April did not want to go for a walk, so she left, and Beverly and I turned off the lights and walked out.
We went for a walk in the neighborhood behind the church. I was glad to have my heavy coat on.. She suggested maybe we could walk downtown sometime.
I went by the Asian market for kimbap, but she said they were sold out. It seemed pretty early for that. Then again, kimbap is a guilty pleasure so it is not a big deal. I went home.
I made breakfast. Then I did 8 minutes of lajin before eating my breakfast. I also had lunch. I copied Jennifer's notes and put her notebook in my car so I wouldn't forget it.
I checked the mail – none. I read more e-mail. Then I finished sewing strips of sashing and cornerstones to my rows. I pressed them all. I laid them out with green background fabrics to audition for side triangles. Several were good and some were completely eliminated. I chose a green tone-on-tone with leaves. Then I sat down to figure out how big to cut the squares for triangles. There were two ways of doing it and I drew sketches of how it would fit on the fabric. In the end I decided to go with the 17 inch squares cut in half because I did not have a 24 inch square ruler. I used the calculator on my laptop, which made it too easy to check e-mail again. Chris was home by this time and engaged with his laptop. I called my Dad to ask about his cataract surgery and his dentures. He finally has dentures but they don't work so well. And his surgery is tomorrow. I hung up so he could get ready for tomorrow. I heard Chris made his supper. Then Michele called him and they played the dinosaur game. I put on headphones and did a tapping video for strengthening the immune system. I looked up why peace lilies wilt and root rot was suggested, was was being root-bound. I did not want to check the plant while Chris was in the room since he might take issue with it. He seems very impatient with me lately. I typed up my blog post so far.
I cut strips for the set-in triangles. Looking at my diagram, I was able to sew some onto the outside edges of the outside blocks. When that was done, I told Chris I was calling time. He concluded his game with Michele. I got water ready for tomorrow. Chris went to the Fox network and streamed the Lucifer episode from yesterday. We watched most of it, but then something went wrong and it stopped playing. Chris pulled it up on his laptop and we finished watching it there. Then he called up the next episode of Voyager and we saw that. But he fell asleep near the end so we did not see a second one. He went to bed and I stayed up briefly to blog and take my evening supplements.

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