Thursday, January 18, 2018

Really seeing it for the first time

I stayed in bed late, or at least it seemed that way. Maybe I woke up much earlier than I thought. It was quarter of 8. I stitched a seam and pinned another one. Then I turned on the router and sewed the pinned one while waiting for the connection. I read e-mail while drinking a quart of water. Then I put on the second episode of The Healing Miracle, which is about stem cells. Today they talked about all the different uses – cosmetic, joints, brain injury, spinal cord problems, etc While I listened, I finished all the inset triangles and joined the larger half to the smaller half and pressed it.
The episode was still going, so I listened as I made and ate breakfast.
I searched for a bag to fit my largest ruler, but they were all too small. I chose a big one for the cutting mat and rushed out in my slippers. When I realized it, I had to unlock the house and change my footware.
I went to Stitch-Its, taking my large cutting mat, rulers and quilt top. I held the quilt up so Christy could take a picture. Then others held it up so I could take a pic. It was the first time I had seen all of it at once. I put the cutting mat on the pool table (which had a board over it). I put the quilt top on it and trimmed it using the large square ruler and the 24 inch long one. Then I stood around talking to the others for over an hour. When they started packing up, I did too. I was home before 3.
I read e-mail and looked at supplements which needed resupplying. I ordered from Amazon and Swansons and Renewed Health. I cleaned the corners of the kitchen cabinet doors and got a splinter for my efforts. It took me a while to get it out. I pulled out a fitted sheet and put it on the guest bed.
Chris came home from work. I checked the house mail. I played Solitaire while listening to an interview. I made and ate a large salad. I looked up the process for making dried apples, but there wasn't time.
It was a little after 7 when my tapping buddy appeared on Skype. We tapped surrogately for someone in her family. It lasted almost 2 hours. Afterward, Chris and I watched one episode of Voyager. Then he went to bed. I stayed up to make up 9 days worth of evening supplements. I took one dose and put the rest in the supplement cabinet. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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