Thursday, January 11, 2018

An unusually nice day

I don't remember when I got up. I stitched a nine-patch to a sashing strip. Then I turned on my laptop to read e-mail while I drank water. Silvia called to see if we could all rent a hotel room and pull an all-nighter to catch up. I said yes.
When I finished the initial round of e-mail, I looked up CD rates at BBnT. Beverly called me to talk about how to replace a zipper in a jacket. When the call was over, I copied the CD rates to the brochure they gave me. I made and ate breakfast, then got my leaf block quilt top ready for transport. I finished the sashing and blocks on the largest portion. Then I pinned remaining strips in place to be sewn later. I folded it all up and put it in my cart. Then I wheeled the cart out to the car. It was a nice day. I probably did not need a coat, but it only seemed right to take one along.
I drove to Stitch-Its and arrived at noon. I set up my machine at one end of the set of tables. I spread the quilt top and the ladies came over to look at it and see if their block was part of it. I got a lot of nice comments, especially from Marjory who thought making blocks for others was a waste of time since few of them made anything with their blocks. I was glad she was glad. She said I could not move away until I finished it.
I stayed and sewed until almost 3. Everyone had gone except Christy. Then I stopped by Whole Foods on the way home. I looked for black pepper oil but they did not have it. I also looked for apple chips, which they did have, but that brand contained preservatives. I also wanted witch hazel and aloe as two separate products. But they had it as one, so I got that. There was an awful noise that about drove me crazy. The cashier said it was a motorized cart stuck in backup mode and they were trying to get it to turn off. I was glad to walk outside and get away from it.
I drove home. I checked the mail. There was one for Chris and one for the lady next door. There was no way to put it in her box and she wasn't home. So I took it inside. I checked e-mail again. I went for a long walk because the weather was so nice.
When I got back, I put a turkey burger in the toaster oven to cook. Then Chris came home. He put rice and water in a pan to cook, then changed his clothes. We spoke about the hotel room and where Chris would be staying. I made a large salad and let my laptop update itself.. When the timer rang on the turkey burger, it was not done. I checked the temp and turned it up. I had to cook it again. I played a few games of Solitaire then ate the burger.
After a few more games of Solitaire, I moved my laptop to the guest room for some privacy. My tapping buddy called and we chitchatted for a bit to catch up. Then we tapped on my issues for an hour. I felt a lot lighter.
Afterward, I moved my laptop back to the dining room. I drank more water and found a snack. Chris connected the TV to Netflix and we watched two episodes of Voyager. He checked his e-mail one last time and told me that the post would close at noon tomorrow. I wondered if I need to cancel my massage. Then he went to bed while I stayed up to post to my blog.
* This is another quilt I saw at Renegades on Sunday. *

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