Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Snow Day

I slept well at first, but woke up with hot flashes (probably the beef) and had to go to the bathroom. It was hard to get back to sleep after that. I got up at 8, about 10 minutes later than Chris did. It was snowing and the post was closed and sewing was canceled.
I sewed a couple of seams on the leaf block quilt and then turned on my laptop. I swished with coconut oil while reading e-mail. It snowed. I tried to take pics but the snowflakes did not show up well. Later I made and ate breakfast. With a pair of kitchen scissors, I pruned the dead leaves from the peace lily. I had some seed crackers for lunch.
I worked on the leaf block quilt. Almost everything I did was wrong at first. I cut squares to make inset triangles, but the first were too small and the next, too large. I cut it into 4ths, but then they were too small. So I decided to cut strips of a very dark purple and add them to the triangles to make them larger. I immediately sewed them to the wrong sides. So I had to rip and re-sew.
Eventually I stopped for supper. I made a large salad and ate it while listening to an audio. I also played Solitaire until Chris was ready. He told me the post would be closed again tomorrow. I am not sure why because the snow wasn't even a full covering on the ground.
We watched three episodes of Voyager. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* This is the sweatshirt that I bought at Cracker Barrel in Augusta. *

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