Friday, January 12, 2018

Praying for good road conditions

I got up right about 8. I stitched some sashing strips together, then turned on my laptop. I read e-mail while drinking lemon water. At 8:30 my massage therapist called. She wanted to change my appointment time from 3pm to 9:30 because of incoming bad weather. I said ok, then washed up and got dressed. There was a small bit of precipitation. I grabbed my coat and headed out. I arrived just before 9:30. The nutrition store that her office is in, was not open yet so I shivered outside for a few minutes. Then the lady opened the door and let me in. But Gabriele was not there. At 9:32 she texted me that she was on her way. I promised myself that next time she wants me to have the first appointment of the day, I won't leave my house until she texts me that she has left hers
Finally she arrived. I hit the bathroom, then went to the massage room and got ready and laid on the table. She came in and asked if I wanted the table heater on, but I said no. As she went through the massage, she remarked on how cold my hands and feet were. But I did not feel cold at all.
After the massage, I got dressed and met her in her office to pay and schedule for next week. As I walked out, her next client was coming in. It was colder outside and precipitating more. I planned to stop at the $ store on the way home, but traffic made it difficult and I just went home. There was no school today because the forecast was bad. And the base closed at noon, but I was back by 11. I put on an audio and listened while I made breakfast. I ate it while reading e-mail. Chris came home soon after noon. He said if the road conditions were icy tomorrow, then he wouldn't drive us to Augusta. I texted that info to Silvia. Chris also handed me a credit card bill that had gone to our old address in Korea and was now overdue. I called the company to pay any remaining balance and cancel the card. But I had a hard time understanding the customer rep, partly because Chris started the washing machine and the heater was running. This is a small house so it is hard to get far enough away from the noises to hear. Anyway, as it turns out, once I explained that we needed to update the mailing address and the e-mail address and the phone number, she offered to waive the late fees. She also said we had over $100 worth of points on our card and I could apply it to the balance. So I did. I put a piece of masking tape over the numbers on the card so I wouldn't use it anymore.
Then I auditioned a pile of purple fabrics for the role of setting triangles. I was thinking of choosing one, but instead opted for 5 to share the honor. Then I played a few games of Solitaire. I went to the Waterfox website and downloaded the next update. I made up 12 days worth of vitamins while I waited. Then I went online and added replacements to my cart. I looked for other products as well, but never finalized the orders.
I whipped up a batch of hand sanitizer and poured it into three spray bottles, then ran the dishwasher. I tried to make gift bags out of wrapping paper, but they were not as sturdy as I hoped. I ate a cold turkey burger for supper, and a can of organic soup. I tried to find a local store selling apple chips, but had no luck getting that info online.
At 8, we folded laundry and put it away. Then we watched three episodes of Voyager. We dressed the bed with clean sheets. I stayed up to post to my blog and Chris was on his laptop too. I prayed for good road conditions in the morning and went to bed.

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