Wednesday, January 24, 2018


When I got up, it was just after 8. I noticed that the daylight was strong for so early. I guessed that it would only get stronger as the days went on. I sewed a strip on one of the foundation block. Then I did some lajin on two chairs in the kitchen. I was swishing at the same time. So of course the doorbell rang. I got up to answer it, hoping I would not have to talk. And I didn't, because the UPS man had dropped a package at the door and was returning to his vehicle. It was our new checks. I placed the package at Chris' spot and resumed lajin.
I wore my new slippers that my friend in Augusta gave me. They kept my feet warm during coffee morning. I added some paida to the routine. After all the meditating and coffee, I cleaned up the kitchen and wiped the bathrooms. I vacuumed the floors and cleaned the vacuum filter. I put strong tape on the bottoms of my chair legs and Chris' chair legs.
I could not resist cutting and sewing some border strips to blocks. I cut as many strips as I could, but t it did not seem like enough. I had another similar fabric to use, but wanted to minimize it. I did some more paida while listening to an audio.
I made and ate breakfast just as Chris came home from work. He looked over the checks and was not happy because they did not have my name. He was also not happy about something that he was dealing with at the office. He knocked over the kale chips and I swept up the pieces. I mixed up a batch of seed crackers. I took a quick walk while it baked. Outside was a lovely day. When I got back, I ate a can of organic soup, and listened to the next episode of Broken Brain. I looked up how to record a TV show on my laptop, but it involved connecting to the TV for tuning in to the show. So much for X-Files tonight.
I took a shower. There were a few minutes left, so I sewed some seams I had pinned earlier. I measured a block and was preparing to cut a strip for it, when my time was up.
I went to choir practice. I turned in the music from Sunday and picked up some new music. As I sat in a pew, talking to the other ladies and waiting for practice to begin, a lady walked in with a neck brace on. She asked for the pastor by name. Someone said he was teaching a confirmation class. She said it was urgent. She wanted money to buy special formula for her little girls. Doris took out her wallet and found one dollar and handed it to the lady. Someone told the lady that the class would be over in 15 minutes. She said she couldn't wait, that she had to drive to Nashville to get the formula. Someone took her to see the pastor. The rest of us wondered how in the world she planned to drive 4 hours to Nashville if she had no money. And what kind of special formula did they have that Huntsville did not?
I kept thinking about the lady during the practice. All the music was new to me so I was sight-reading. Eventually I was able to sing the song selected for this Sunday. But I was glad to have a piano to practice a little on my own anyway.
After practice. Jennifer gave me a container of coconut oil that I had sold her years ago. She did not like the taste of it. She told me about her efforts to dehydrate apple slices. And something else that escapes me now. Then I drove home, down Bailey Cove so I could come over the hill and see the city lights below me.
When I got home, Chris was on his laptop. I told him about the lady and he said he would have given her some money. He fired up the little laptop attached to the TV. We watched three episodes of Voyager. I checked e-mail one last time, then posted to my blog and went to bed.

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