Monday, February 19, 2018

Beautiful spring day!

I had trouble getting to sleep. When I realized I had forgotten to take my evening supplements, I got up and swallowed them. I went back to bed, wearing my mp3 headphones. But the batter ran out before I fell asleep. Eventually I fell asleep anyway.
I got up at 8:45, thinking it was earlier. I finished a strip block and sewed corners on quilt top. Then I turned on the router, and checked e-mail. I drank a quart of water while listening to an audio. I got e-mail from Chris so I wrote back and suggested he skype me. Then I went on with e-mail until he called. We talked for 10 minutes or so. He is having great weather too, there in Soto Cano. I opened the doors to let in fresh air.
After he hung up, I put on an interview and did lajin. Then I put on some music with a strong beat and did paida. I made and ate breakfast while listening to the rest of the interview.
I lost track of time with the interview and got to quilting even later than usual. I was going to put blue borders on the Renegades quilt, but Bertha did not bring the blue fabric. She suggested we get together sometime for lunch and she would bring it. I asked her to hold up the leaf block quilt top so I could photograph it now that all the corners are on. I put my two strip blocks in the charity quilt box. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon talking with the ladies while I sewed fat strips to leftover strip triangles and trimmed them all down. I laid out the triangles and took a picture. Carolyn suggested black sashing to give the viewer's eye a chance to rest.
At four I packed up and we left. I drove back to post, under an overcast sky. When I got home, I brought my sewing gear in from the car, and then went for a walk. I walked mostly on the sidewalk, but sometimes on the curb to practice my balance.
When I got back, I picked some dandelion in the back yard. I put the last of the fish in the toaster oven. I made a big salad, including dandelion, and ate it, then the fish. I checked e-mail and listened to interviews. I did one paraliminal.
I considered watching Lucifer, but it seemed to be a repeat. So I watched one episode of The 4400 instead. Then I closed the house doors, noting how the air inside was much improved by the fresh air. I took my evening supplements. I posted to my blog while sipping kava tea.
* Do these blocks need black sashing? Or are they better as a riot of color? *

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