Sunday, February 11, 2018

The unexpected

I was very comfortable last night. The mp3 headphones with a sleep track, the light sheet, the ceiling fan – all very relaxing but still sleep eluded me for some time. I got up twice during the night to use the bathroom.
When I woke up, it was after 9. Chris was on his laptop. I stitched a strip to one of the strip blocks and then I opened my laptop. I deleted a bunch of e-mails I did not have time to read. Then I took my shower and got dressed for church. There wasn't enough time to fix breakfast, so Chris offered me his last banana. I ate that, then put some seed crackers in a bag for lunch. As I was filling my water bottle, I knocked a glass off the counter top and it broke. Chris swept it up for me. I asked him to put my sewing gear in my trunk because my left wrist hurt. He did that in his socks. I took my purse and the sample of sleep salve for Jennifer and went to church.
I arrived 5 minutes late for choir warm-up. So, in 5 more minutes, we were done. I gave the salve to Jennifer and she gave me some gluten-free pizza crusts. The ingredient list read like a salad. I got a bulletin and went to the bathroom. Then I chatted with my seatmates. Dawn told me her grandson was back from Korea. It did not click until later that he was here with her in church. I made a mental note to speak to him after the service.
The service went well. The pastor spoke about the winds of change and how we need to adapt. After the service, Dawn's grandson had left. But the other Jennifer was there with her family. I haven't seen them in several years. I got to talk to her and her husband, who is going to his next job soon. We traded numbers in case we get a chance to play music together.
I shook hands with the pastor and left. I drove to the monthly sew-in for Renegades. They were having lunch when I came in with my cart of supplies. I parked it out of the way, and joined them, having some fresh fruit and my seed crackers. After eating, they told me about the grab bags. Each person was to choose a paper bag and sew something with the fabric inside. I chose the one unmarked bag. It contained fat quarters in blue and green prints. Some of them were just what I needed for my Renegade project already in progress. So I cut strips and squares and combined them with what I already had. Everyone was so busy that they didn't talk much. Others finished their quilt tops and I took pics. Two ladies worked together and made three quilt tops. Mine was still unfinished and I started it in November!
Anyway, we put up the tables and chairs while Tina ran the vacuum. She was selling eggs fresh from her chickens so I bought a carton (even though I knew Chris had gone to Publix while I was sewing). I wondered if the eggs from the first laying of the season were any different.
It was after 5 when I got home. Chris was roasting onions and peppers in the oven. I changed my clothes, then made and ate my special breakfast, then had some of the onions – all while checking e-mail or listening to an audio. I also played some Solitaire while listening.
At 8 we sat down to watch three episodes of Voyager. Chris stayed up to make his sandwich and to look up some of the familiar guest stars. Then he went to bed. I stayed up to take my evening supplements and post to my blog. I thought I might read a few pages from a book to see if that helped me sleep.
* Isn't Tina's quilt top lovely? It was from her paper bag. *

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