Sunday, February 18, 2018

Miswak is what?

Last night I set my phone alarm for 7:25. Then I listened to a sleep paraliminal. I went to bed and slept through the night. When I got up to use the restroom, the alarm rang.
I sewed a strip on the second strip block, having finished the first one. I checked e-mail, and read about miswak sticks which are used for brushing teeth. They are supposed to be better than toothbrushes and no toothpaste is needed. It is also called a peelu stick. I took a shower and put on a black dress for Lent. I wore flats so I could go grocery shopping later. I picked up Jennifer's peanut butter (from Swansons) and headed out.
As I arrived the choir was a few minutes from gathering. I gave Jennifer her peanut butter. She gave me some fabric she didn't want anymore. The choir assembled at the front of the church and sang through our song. Then we sang Happy Birthday to Jennifer. Afterward, I stopped by the restroom. Susan was there and she suggested I might have GERD if my chest pain was not cardiac. I made a note to look into it. I picked up a bulletin and sat in my usual seat. Since the service had been moved to 10 and we practiced our song at 9:25, we had longer wait than usual for the service to begin.
The president of the congregation gave a short temple talk. A few other people announced things too. Then the service began. I could not find my glasses so I read and sang as best I could. After the service, I talked to Doc and his wife. He works at the Pentagon now. I asked if there was anything open for Chris. Jennifer brought me money for the peanutbutter and we talked about other stuff.
I drove to Publix. It was a nice sunny day. I shopped without a list since it was so short anyway. I hadn't had breakfast and shopping on an empty stomach wasn't the greatest idea. I may have gotten a few extra things.
When I went to check out, one of my apples was rotten. The cashier sent someone to get me another apple. But she came back with a non-organic one. Another guy went and got me a real organic apple, but in the meantime the cashier had put my order aside to help the next person in line. So when it was my turn again, I had to go to customer service with a barcode ticket. The man there added the price of the apple and processed my order. He commented on my dress and asked where I got it. Good will. He told me he got a good deal on a peacoat at Goodwill.
I took my food to the car and put it in the trunk. I drove down Whitesburg to eyeball the place where I will have my stress test on Thursday. Then I went home. I took the bags inside. I changed my clothes and put the food away. I ate some of the beet chips and the whole jar of marinated artichoke hearts. I checked e-mail and looked up GERD. I made and ate breakfast. I did a meditation.
It seemed like a good idea to walk on a sunny day, but at the furthest point, it started to rain. I took a street that looks like most of the houses have been torn down and the remaining two are just waiting for the same fate. One empty driveway sported a small patch of daffodils. I wondered if I could 'liberate' them. I walked through the area looking for more plantings, but did not find any. The rain stopped and I got home ok.
I sat outside and read a book while resting my barefeet in the wet grass. Then I listened to an interview inside. I moved my laptop to a different side of the table, just for a change. Then I turned my attention to the banner. I cut strips for the circle borders and chose some alternate backgrounds. I wasn't satisfied with any of them, but perhaps a fresh look in the morning will help me decide. I cleared the worktable, and got out the leaf block quilt. I finished up the remaining two corner triangles and pinned them to the corners.
For some reason, I found myself back at my laptop. I did a meditation and read the latest e-mail. I placed an order for a miswak stick. Then I watched one episode of The 4400 on Netflix, who conveniently kept my place. Chris doesn't like it so it works out well to watch it while he is gone.
I made a cup of hot bone broth and kava tea. When the episode was over, I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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