Saturday, February 24, 2018

Which potassium?

After posting my blog entry for yesterday (Friday) and the first part of this morning (Saturday), I prepared a quart of water and did some stretching. I drank while I read e-mail. Chris started the laundry, then put on headphones and watched videos. So I was the one who heard the washing machine alarm. I put that load in the dryer and started the next one.
I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. I started a Swansons order. To complete it, I researched potassium supplements. But before I found the information I wanted, my tapping buddy contacted me. We continued our work on the issue she wanted to solve.
After two hours, it seemed to be cleared. We agreed not to meet next week because of the tapping world summit. We hung up, and I went for a walk around the circle. When I got back, I remembered that my phone had rung during the skype call, so I called the number back. It was the head of the stewardship committee. We talked for some time. When the call was over, Chris had 4 turkey burgers coming out of the oven. I ate two of them. Then I made a salad with all the leftover greens. I ate while looking into which potassium supplement was best. Most articles said to only take one if prescribed by a doctor. So I looked into adding dehydrated bananas to my order. But there was only one kind and they were small but expensive. I chose sunflower seeds instead.
I listened to an audio while playing Solitaire. Then we watched two episodes of Voyager. I helped Chris dress the bed with clean sheets. I finished my game and then my Swansons order. I checked e-mail, responding to one from Michele. I then posted to my blog for today.
* This is one of the Renegade quilts for Linus project. *

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