Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Heavy rain

Last night, I stayed up to do a castor oil pack. I did it in the guest room and was going to sleep there, but figured Chris might get the wrong idea. I read some of one of the quilting novels while I laid on the bed. It was difficult to get comfortable since the heating pad cord barely reached the bed. After an hour, I turned it off and climbed in bed with Chris.
I got up soon after 8, hearing the rain beat on the roof. I ripped apart the pieces of the panel that I took off the quilt top yesterday. I measured them, intending to cut them down to 12.5, but they already were that size. I measured the ones still part of the quilt. 12.5. Hmm. I decided I needed a larger sample size. I measured random ones and came to the conclusion that I had made the center ones 12 and when I changed rulers, made the rest 12.5. The three central columns were 12 and the two end columns were 12.5. So, I arranged the ripped pieces in an order and then trimmed the three center ones. I sewed them back together in order and onto the quilt.
Thus having sewn, I turned on the router and began my coffee morning. I swished, then drank a quart of water. I made a pot of coffee while I did my exercises and drybrushing. I did several sessions of tapping. While I was tapping, I noticed ringing in my ears. It was like someone was tinkling a bell every 2 seconds in my right ear. But it was gone by the time I finished tapping.
Then I cleaned the bathrooms, and kitchen and swept the floors. I put on the first episode of The Skinny on Fat and did lajin. A few notes: Ancel Keyes invented K-rations so should be known as the father of processed food. He bullied everybody into thinking fat caused heart disease even though smoking was the real killer. Ketones are good for neurodegenerative diseases. Coconut oil contains ketones. There could be a relationship between sunlight and MS.

I made and ate breakfast and read e-mail. I called Dad to see how he was doing. He said fine and then proceeded to tell me what wasn't going well. I reminded him to take coconut oil.
I listened to the Charlie Daniels band play The Devil Went Down to Georgia and did paida. Then I went outside to check the mail. The rain had slacked off some. I put felt pads on the bottom of chairs that did not have them already. I was listening to a tapping meditation when Chris came home from work. I paused it to talk to him. Then I resumed the tapping meditation while he logged in to his e-mail.
I had some chicken for supper, and an apple. I took a shower and got dressed for choir practice.
I was sewing Kaffe Fassett strips together and watching the heavy rain. It was very dark and bleak outside. My chest hurt. At 6:30 I was supposed to leave for church. But instead, I texted our choir director that I did not feel well and did not want to drive in the rain. I continued sewing and then cutting triangles until 7. Then I turned on the TV and watched X-files until 8. There was a yellow band across the lower screen warning of flash floods in all the counties of the viewing area.
Then I started watching the season 11 premiere on the network website from my laptop. When Chris was ready, we watched two episodes of Voyager together. Then Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to post to my blog and then turned in as well.
* Beverly took a selfie of us on our walk yesterday. I did not have my phone so I was glad she had hers. *

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