Monday, February 5, 2018

Impressive bird

Last night I put sleep salve on the bottoms of my feet and then covered them with socks. I did feel sleepy sooner, but was hoping to actually fall asleep right away.
I got up at 9. I sewed a strip to the strip block. Then I turned on the router. While it warmed up, I started a loaf of bread for Chris. I washed my hands and wiped the measuring spoons and counter top in case remnants of flour were triggering some sort of gluten sensitivity if I touched it.
Then I turned on the laptop to check e-mail. I put on an audio while I did two rounds of lajin. I also did some paida. I swallowed some XCT oil and some coconut oil. When I returned to my laptop, I had trouble with Yahoo. At first it was just slow, in both browsers. But then it stopped working altogether, which is when I figured it that it was actually the site itself. But, it meant that I could not read my e-mail.
So I got dressed and went to quilting. There was road work on Drake. It did not slow traffic much, but it did coat my car in dust. Again.
When I got there, the parking lot was much fuller than usual. I rolled my cart inside and there were plenty of people having lunch. I set up my machine on a table in the back of the room. There were no chairs left. Laurie suggested I borrow one from another table in the back. I visited with a few ladies, looking at what they were working on. Carolyn had an impressive rooster made of flowers and leaves. Then I settled down to work on my side triangles. I listened to the conversation around me. It was nice. Bertha talked about the stitch camp they were going to this weekend and invited me to go. But it seemed awfully last minute.
One by one, they left until only Lauri and I remained. Then Sheryl arrived and set up her machine. I finished sewing strips to my side triangles. At 4 I packed up my machine and project and left. The sun was setting and shone in my eyes as I drove down Drake.
When I got home, Chris was there, on his laptop. I took my supplements and some ghee. Then I made and ate breakfast. I checked e-mail. sent a message telling me to complete my training. I clicked on the link and played the games. I was disappointed with my scores. I blame the trackpad for slowing me down. I assembled the recyclables and put them out on the porch.
Chris' alarm rang. I did not know what he was timing, until he turned on the TV. Then I remembered that Lucifer plays on Monday night. So I finished the piece of aloe I was eating and sat with him to watch the show. Then we watched three episodes of Voyager. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* This rooster is made of fussy-cut flowers and leaves fused to a background. I am impressed. *

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