Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A long walk

I heard my alarm ring and I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. But that never happened. Maybe an hour later, I got up because I heard Dad moving around. I drank water and brushed my teeth. I took my sewing bag to the den and sewed a few inches of binding while swishing.
Then I went to the master bathroom and took a shower. I dressed in a gray and black outfit. Dad was working on making breakfast, so I made mine and ate it. He was still working on breakfast, which consisted of measured amounts of two different cereals. And milk and strawberries. He is an expert at making simple tasks take a long time. So I started cleaning cabinets in the kitchen. There was no non-toxic soap, so I used a sliver from the soap I brought.
After eating breakfast, he got tired and sat down to rest. I kept cleaning until he asked me to help him refresh his knowledge of how to use his computer. We started by recording checks in his charity file, which he then printed out. It sounds simple but it took a lot of time.
I noticed that it was a sunny (if cool) day and I wanted to take a walk. Dad said he'd come with me. Kevin arrived. He started cooking while Dad got his coat and shoes. Then we walked for at least 50 minutes around the neighborhood. It was quite a walk for him. He told me he needed to buy new shoes tomorrow. I got cold as the temp dropped. When we got back I pulled the mail from the mailbox. 85 percent of the stack was from charities. I sorted the charities from the bills and handed them to Dad. I opened all the charity envelopes so he could have the name/address labels.
We moved to the computer room when Kevin came around with the vacuum. I replaced Dad's old health insurance card with the new one. I wrote the amount and due date on the bill.
Chris had been cooking dinner all this time. He had chicken and cabbage soup ready when Kevin finished cleaning the floor and left. I filled a bowl for me and Chris filled a bowl for Dad. But we found Dad asleep in the blue chair.
So Chris and I ate on our own. I ate while reading e-mail. When Dad woke up, we had a bowl of chicken and cabbage ready for him. I kept reading e-mail. I played a few games of Solitaire. I put the chicken away and the pan of vegetable casserole that Kevin made. I listened to more of the video series. Chris came up and asked me if he should stack the dishwasher and run it. I said yes. I found Dad on his laptop. We practiced opening and minimizing files and changing directories. He did well.
Finally, we quit so I could take my evening supplements and brush and swish. Then I listened to more of the video while I typed out my blog post. The video ended and I kept typing. Dad came over to ask me to change his vitamin C patch. I took the old one off and put a new one one. Then I remembered to put my own on. I finished my blog, then Chris and I opened the couch into a bed so we could retire for the night. Dad stayed up to eat.
* Dad is wearing his new shades. *

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