Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Viome results are back

I woke up hearing my alarm. I did not set the sleep app. I think I went back to sleep, but I still got up by 8. I sewed the purple strip to the brown strip. Then I remembered to brush and swish. I turned on the router and soaked the sprouts and boiled water for tea and nuts.

I sat down to read e-mail and saw my Viome results had come in. I can't say I was overly impressed with the specificity of the results. There was a long list of foods labeled either Superfood, Enjoy, Mimimize or Avoid. I was hoping for a list of foods I am allergic to, but instead, the Avoid foods are because of plant viruses detected in my sample and things I don't have the microbes to digest well. Sadly that includes cashews, garlic, chick peas, bell peppers and cucumbers.

I got dressed and cleaned up the house a bit since the maintenance man said he was coming back this morning. But then Housing called to check on all the open work orders. They said they would schedule him to come tomorrow afternoon between 1 and 4. The buckle fell off of my watch again, so I took it off and laid it aside for later. I put my computer to sleep, grabbed what I needed, and went to quilting.

When I got there, Susan and Anita were making the covers for dog beds. I looked at all the barn blocks Jane got last week for her birthday. Each one was different. Beverly laid out fabrics to design another barn block. Anita had hers, but I guess she wanted to do more with it. The others talked about what projects to do next year. Josephine was giving out car trash bags that she had made as Christmas presents. I chose a red and white one. Linda was giving out hand warmers. At the end of the meeting, I gave Beverly the bag of potholders I had made, but to my surprise I had brought the wrong ones. We went out to her car and she gave me a gift – a glass mug with “Yes you do need more fabric” etched on it.
After that, I went to the Asian store, but they had no kimbap today. But she had the pickled garlic that I have been asking about for two or three months. My Viome report said I should avoid garlic, but I felt compelled to buy it. Maybe the pickled ones aren't so bad.
I went home, and ate half an avocado, and a fat bomb. I listened to interviews while making breakfast. After eating, I went for a short walk because it was a nice day and I was out of time.

I went to church to count money, arriving at 2. There were so many checks that I had to continue on the back side of the paper. There was no one there to distract me and that was great because the job took every second I had. I barely got the reports printed off and shut down the computer, then had to grab the money and run. I made it to the bank with only a few minutes to spare.
Once the deposits were processed, I headed home. The car said it was 50 degrees, but it felt colder to me. I got the mail and put the recyclable bin back in place. Chris was sitting at his laptop when I came in. I had no mail for him and he had no mail for me. Liver and onions were cooked in a pan on the stove. I put some in a bowl and ate it. It was very good. Chris said the maintenance man had been here and replaced the wall switches, and did something to the mold in the bathroom.

I checked e-mail. I reported my new watchband as defective to Amazon. I had Chris take the new band off of my watch. I put it in a box and wrapped it up for UPS to pick up tomorrow and return so I can get my money back.
I tried to print the AVOID food list from Viome, but highlighting what I wanted did not help. I sent a message to their customer service. I found a list of the microbes and viruses in my sample. I suspect there are many more that they can't test for yet.
I went through some more e-mail, then quit. I ironed the strips I sewed this morning to make binding. We watched two episodes of Travelers season 3. Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to blog and swish and take vitamin C.
* These are the gifts I got in the last two days, some of which I forgot to mention. Lauri gave me the needle cushion that looks like a tube of lipstick. Rebecca gave me the stylus that doubles as a pen. Beverly gave me the glass. Linda gave me the round hand warmers, and Josephine gave me the bag. I hope I got the names right. *

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