Friday, December 21, 2018

Packing everything but clothes

I shut off the alarms as they sounded. I stayed in bed until after 8. I did some squats. I changed my machine needle and sewed some patches. I wound some brown thread on a bobbin to put in my sewing kit to finish the binding. Then I took my morning supplements and swished while reading e-mail.

I searched my email for a recipe calling for sandalwood and bergamot essential oils, but did not find one. I put on a few drops of sandalwood essential oil. It smelled so good. I looked up all the benefits and wondered which one I was after. I boiled tumeric and ginger to make tea, then simmered it for awhile. I put some in water bottles and froze the rest as ice cubes.

I made three breakfasts and packed 12 days worth of each ingredient into a box. I ate one of them. Then I drove to the Asian store for kimbap, but there was none. Just not a good week for kimbap. I looked through the store for sunflower seeds, but they only had them in shells for bird feeders.
Then I went to the Korean clinic. Dr. Grace was not there. Dr. Lee gave me a container with a whole kimchi'd cabbage that Dr. Grace had made. He gave me his traffic ticket to look at. After reading all the fine print, it seemed there was a possibility that he could pay online and not have to go to the courthouse in February. But I accessed the online system and there was no record, yet. We bid each other a Merry Christmas, and I left.

I drove across the street to the neighborhood WalMart store, certain that they would have raw organic sunflower seeds. I searched the entire store and only found roasted sunflower seeds, but at least they were not salted. I bought those and went home.
I parked, got out and looked for my keys to open the mail box. But the keys were not in my pockets, the pouch, or my purse. I thought it must be some kind of record to lose my keys as soon as I exited the car. When I put down everything I was holding, the keys were draped over my hand. Sigh.
I opened the mailbox and found a Christmas card. Then I took it and the kimchi and sunflower seeds inside. I tried some of the kimchi and it was good, though it would have been better with kimbap. I typed up a list of foods to avoid, etc from my Viome recommendations. It took a long time to switch back and forth from the open window to the document file. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I finished.

Chris came home from work. He had a package from the post office for me. When I saw what was in there, I knew it was from William and Karen. So I called William to let him know it had arrived. I was sorry to hear he was off of work with back problems.
I made seed crackers and a batch of banana cookies. I was going to add turmeric, but apparently we are totally out. I ate some frozen watermelon. Then I heated the last of the liver in the toaster oven and made a salad while it heated. I took the cookies and seed crackers out of the oven where they were crisping.
Chris was doing laundry, so I started to wrap packages. I looked for special scissors to make name tags, but could not find any. I tried to create them in Paint, but could not find any borders. So I searched for and downloaded a template and just added the names. I printed them out and wrapped packages and taped the tags on.
Chris wasn't quite ready yet. So I opened air tube headset. I listened to part of a youtube video to experience the sound. They work well.
Then Chris was ready to watch TV. So I brushed my teeth and swished during the first episode of Travelers. Then I drank my kava tea during the second episode. But that one ended on a cliffhanger, so we watched a third one. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog with a cold sock of rice on my shoulder. The pain has me worried.

* Looking at this uncut kimchi'd cabbage reminded me of the time in Korea when I asked Suk where to get good kimchi and she literally pulled one out of her purse and handed it to me. Ah, good memories. *

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