Friday, December 7, 2018

The Nutcracker

I stayed in bed late with the heating pad. When I got up, it was after nine. I brushed and swished. I tried to sew the rip in the side seam of the pastor's pants, but there were too many layers of fabric in the way. I sewed some by hand, then stopped to turn on the router. While it warmed up, I made tea and boiled water for nuts. I read some e-mail, then put on an audio. I finished sewing the pants under my magnifying lamp. Black thread on black fabric drove my eyes crazy. When I was finished, I rolled them up and put them by the door. I wrote my last check. I found a fresh batch and put those in my checkbook cover. Then I addressed an envelop and put the check in the mail.
I made and ate breakfast and read more e-mail. Then I got dressed. I went by the housing center to drop off a letter addressed to Owner at our home address. It was from the Virginia Health and Human Services. I figured it was a mistake of some kind.
Then I drove to the movie theater to wait for Leanne. When she arrived, she wanted to pay for my ticket as a birthday present. She paid at the new kiosk. I was surprised there was a kiosk because making people pay at the concession stand meant they might buy popcorn on impulse.
Anyway, we got to the auditorium just in time to see all the previews. I don't remember them, but several seemed worth watching. The only way I can describe the movie is to say the Nutcracker meets Harry Potter meets Lion, Witch and Wardrobe meets Alice in Wonderland. It kept our attention very well. I almost did not recognize Kiera Knightly or Helen Mirren. Afterward, Leanne and I talked for a bit, then went our separate ways.
When I got home, I checked the mail. There was one piece for our neighbor. I took it over to her. We joked that it was the post office meet-your-neighbor program. She gave me a Christmas card. We had a nice chat until her husband came home. Then I went home to find that Chris had arrived.
I talked to Chris for a bit. He wouldn't kiss me because he was coming down with a cold. I played a quilting video. I ate a handful of soaked nuts. I made and ate a salad. I read through more e-mail. There was an article on shungite, a stone that helps with EMF. She said real shungite is electrically conductive. So I tested mine and it was. I knew I wasn't imagining that it helps me when I wear it.
I worked on fabric cups and saucers. At 8, I stopped to brush my teeth and swish. We watched two episodes of DS9, then the pilot episode of The Jetsons, which came on DVD from Netflix. I drank my kava tea, and took progesterone and put a troche of testosterone under my tongue. Then I sat down to write my blog post. I took some extra vitamin C and glutathione because of Chris. I also leveled up the version of Holosync on my mp3 headphones. Hopefully that will put me to sleep tonight.
* A new one and two older ones. *

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