Saturday, December 1, 2018


The sleep app and the phone alarm went off within minutes of each other. We stayed in bed awhile and Chris got up. So I got up, too. Then he suggested a massage. I was ok with that, so he gave me one.
Afterward, I got up to brush and swish and sew a few patches together. It was another rainy day. What's up with that? I played the next episode of Interconnected. I read e-mail. I ate a fat bomb and made breakfast. After eating, I paused the current video. I got dressed, and threw some projects into my sewing cart. I put it all in my trunk and away I went.
The modern quilt guild was having a sew day at the library near my church. I parked around the corner and wheeled my stuff inside. Someone who was leaving gave me her seat.
I set up my machine and looked at Jane's quilt. There were a few edges that didn't get caught in the stitching. There were too many stitches to take out to make it right. So I just stitched back and forth to stabilize the raw edges.
The doctor showed us the coffee cozy she was making. She was almost done except for the button and loop. I had some buttons, and suggested we go to the dollar store next door and get some hairbands. So we walked over. She got the bands and I came back with gloves and dishtowels.
The group sat down to lunch. I joined them with a can of coconut water. We had a nice chat. Then Trina was working on the group rocket quilt. The doctor and I helped her make the sides and then Trina sewed them on. Then I cut and sew binding strips together for later.
Having finished Jane's quilt, I got out my teacup project. I cut wedges and sewed them together. I assembled the saucer and whipstitched it closed. Then I discovered that the saucer from the previous cup was showing raw edges. It would have to be completely redone, and I wasn't sure there was any more of that fabric.
Then William called. He said Dad wanted to know how to print a file. I walked them through turning on the laptop, closing the current file, opening the needed file, and sending it to the printer. It sounds simple, but it took 45 minutes. Dad and I had practiced printing while I was there. And I left a sticky note of instructions on his laptop. But to no avail. Sigh.
I heard the library make their closing call. I told William I had to go. I packed up my machine and projects. The doctor helped me move my stuff to my car. I thanked her and headed home.
When I got home, I checked the mail and found a package from Heartmath. I had a bite to eat, then decided to go for a walk. It was still kind of raining, but the fresh air was nice.
When I got back, I went to work on the Korean blankets. I spent hours scanning in the images on the napkins along with a paper heart cut-out. I played with fonts and word arrangements. Finally I settled on one. But then discovered that the scan wasn't quite the original size. So more playing around. When I thought I had it right, I moved the files to the embroidery card. Then I went looking for my hoops. Chris helped me look. We went through everything in my sewing room and the guest room. I was so frustrated and anxious. I pride myself on always keeping my promises, which won't be possible without the hoops. But finally Chris found the hoops in a box in the garage. Success!
I needed a break. No sense in proceeding when I'm tired and prone to mistakes. So we sat down to watch 2 episodes of DS9. It was after 11 when they ended. I sat down to write my blog as quickly as possible so I could get to bed. Tomorrow is another busy day.
* This is the rocket before they stitched on the stars. *

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