Monday, April 22, 2019

A day of rest for my foot

I got up at 6:30 to use the bathroom so I took the first supplement then and went back to bed. But I could not sleep so I got up at 7 and took one of my own enzyme capsules. I did some sewing while I swished. The doctor's office called to say he had a family emergency and she rescheduled me for Wednesday. I took more doctor-recommended supplements at timed intervals. I reached the first meal stage, but was not ready to eat. So I drank more water and read e-mail. I chilled my foot and then my back. I rolled around the house putting things away. At 10:30 I started making breakfast. Chris came home for lunch because he had left a folder at home that he needed at work. Rebecca called to talk about the group charity quilt that she had started. I told her I was not going to quilting today because walking was still painful.
I sat in the livingroom to heat my back and read. I think I did that twice, taking a break to sew. Then I went in my sewing room looking for a small piece of batting. But when I got there, I was distracted and looked for pieces of green fabric to match the charity quilt top I had recently finished. Luckily, I did remember before I left to grab a piece of batting. I folded my laundry and put it away. I looked at orthomolecular books on Amazon.
I sat in the chair with the heating pad and started tapping. I got so relaxed that I kind of dozed off but was still tapping. Then Chris came home. He asked if I wanted to go to the grocery store. I decided I probably shouldn't because it might delay the healing of my foot. He went shopping (Publix was closed yesterday) and I made salad and took the lunch supplements. I looked up orthomolecular treatments for candida. I sat in the sun in the back yard. It was such a shame not to go for a walk.
I played numerous games of N-back, trying to improve my concentration. I heated a bowl of soup for supper. Then we watched two episodes of ST:NG. We looked up some of the actors. Then I wrote my blog post and Chris went to bed.
* This is a poster in the doctor's office (taken last week) *

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