Tuesday, April 2, 2019

I am 78

I woke up about 3:30am to use the restroom. I collected a sample as per the doctor's orders, and went back to bed. I don't remember hearing Chris get ready for work, but even if I did, I went back to sleep.
I got up around 7:15, a little before my alarm went off. I got dressed, boiled water and soaked the sprouts. Then I headed out to the doctor's office. On the way, I saw an accident leading into Gate 9 and traffic was backed up. But I had no trouble getting out of the gate and getting to where I needed to go.
When I got to the office, I was slow getting out of the car. I went inside and surrendered the cup of urine to the receptionist. She gave me a small cup to fill with saliva to a marked line. I paced the waiting room trying to work up spit after not drinking for 12 hours. When the job was done, I gave it to her and left.
When I got home, I ate a handful of soaked nuts and read e-mail while taking supplements at intervals. I also brushed my teeth and drank a quart of water. Then I took things I might need out to the car and went to quilting.
The ladies were waiting for me. Jane had cleaned out her sewing room (with help) and was inviting us to partake of what she didn't want. Quilting fabric was arrayed on two tables. Another table held non-quilting fabric, and some others held 'stuff'. I took my bag and joined the ladies in walking around the tables and pulling out fabric. Each piece was wrapped around a cardboard core. Smaller pieces shared a core. I checked the other tables and got some netting, some file folders, and a quilting stencil. Then I sat down to see what Beverly W. was working on. I did go back later for another look as the crowd dwindled. I gave Jodi some excess fleece that I had. I also brought in a bag of batting and fabric scraps for dog beds. I stayed while Anita looked through it. Any leftover fabric (not much) went back to the quilting closet. Jodi found someone who wanted the cabinet machine that was taking up room in there. Anita put the machine on a cart and I rolled it out to the parking lot. She and Beverly C brought the cabinet. Jodi drove up to get it loaded in her truck.
I went to the Asian store for kimbap and went home. I realized I was out of kimchi so I ate it with sauerkraut. Kimchi would have been better. I was going to take a short walk, but I got a phone call. Then it was time to go back to the doctor for the results.
I got there a few minutes early and paced the waiting room until the doctor called me back. She looked at the test results and told me I had the cells of a 78-year-old. She said the white crenelation on my tongue could be pre-cancerous and to see a dermatologist. Then she explained the charts on the test results: parasites, fungi, metals, viruses, low thyroid, poor lymph circulation, poor liver function, adrenal stress, low mitochondrial function, etc. She set out a collection of 12 supplements and told me when and how to take each one. I told her it was overwhelming, since some were with meals, apart from meals, one to three times a day, not with any other supplements, etc. She wrote the directions down, as if that would be enough. She had me put my hand on a xyto machine. She tested me for specific heavy metals, parasites, etc. Then she put in the supplements so the computer could tell her if that was enough to cure my deficiencies. She added some frequencies to one bottle and said we were done. I went to the front to pay and make appointments for NAED treatment and a detox foot bath. The $800 price tag made me seriously reconsider following her line of treatment. Half was for the test and her time, and half was for the supplements; some of which will last three months. Elaine came in for her treatments. She said her cellular age was higher and that 78 looked pretty good.
I drove from the doctor's office to the church in a little over half an hour. I entered data into the church computer and took the offering to the bank. I told the teller about the doctor (since she asked if anything exciting happened today). We had an interesting discussion. Then I went home.
Chris was home. I brought in the mail and threw the junk in the recycling. There was a package for Chris and one for me. It was an eye chart. I had read that just having an eye chart on the wall to look at everyday seems to improve eyesight. So I ordered one.
I ate some liver with papaya seeds. I also had some heart soup and some sprouts. I took two of the new supplements. It was just too complicated to ferret out which ones I should be taking right now. I sat against a cold pack and played Solitaire while listening to podcasts. I meditated, too.
I looked up Dad's number and at the moment he called me. It took him 10 minutes to explain that he had put olives in his cup instead of cruciferous juice and he wanted to know if he could eat them. After the call, I practiced five pieces on my trombone, playing one verse on flute between each piece to give my lip a rest. I sat against a hot pad and read more of the book on NAED treatments.
When Chris was ready, we watched two episodes of ST:NG. I took the drops between episodes. After the second one, I started the cell salts. Chris went to bed. I stayed up to write my blog post from scratch.
* This is the quilt that Beverly W was working on. *

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