Saturday, April 27, 2019

A slow day

I got up about 8. I pulled off the vitamin C and glutathione patches that I had put on last night. I started taking supplements. Chris was already up and had the router on. I listened to Money Revealed, which was about 2 ½ hours this time. I continued to take supplements. Then I had a fat bomb and made breakfast. I used the chillow on my back, and microwaved the sock of rice to use on my foot. When the episode was over, I listened to the bonus interview, which was about 45 minutes.
Later I went outside to water plants and enjoy the sun. I knocked down a budding wasp nest on the front porch light. I replanted some flowers in larger pots and hung up the petunias. It felt good to garden again. I filled the watering can from the hose. Then I came inside, bringing my rolling chair with me.
I watched videos from a chiropractor, then I watched the movie theme videos of Goldentusk. I discovered that they have comic stories acted out in 5 minutes intervals. It took all afternoon.
For supper I ate half a sweet potato, some sprouts, and kimchi. Chris fried up some eggs for protein. I listened to the 4th episode of Live Longer Feel Better, all about the 4th phase of water.
When it was over, I played the next episode of Money Revealed. I paused it when Chris was ready to watch ST:NG. We saw two episodes of the show, during which I took magnesium ascorbate at random intervals. I developed a great sleepiness and thought of going to bed before it might dissipate. But I decided to hold off long enough to post to my blog.
* I came across this photo on the internet. I don't know who it belongs to, but I like it. *

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