Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter hopping

I got up when the alarm went off at 7. It went off at 7:30 as well, but by then I had taken the enzyme supplement, brushed my teeth, and gone to the kitchen to drink water, etc. I took a shower, then read some e-mail. At 8 I tried on several dressed before deciding on one that was the right color and loose enough in the shoulders to allow good slide action. I wanted to wear the blue dress with matching Easter hat, but playing trombone would knock it off.
Chris took his shower and got dressed in record time. I meditated for a moment to calm myself. I couldn't stop thinking that I had agreed to do too much.
Chris drove me to church. He met the new pastor and his wife and they all had a great time chatting. I, however, practiced playing flute with Jennifer and Cecelia. Then I practiced playing trombone with the two girls who played french horn and trumpet. The girls were dismissed to Easter breakfast. But then the choir assembled to practice the opening hymn and then the anthem. Afterward, I walked to the nearest bathroom and talked to Elaine about stuff in the book she had lent me.
Finally I was glad to sit in the pew and wait. Hobbling around takes energy and is embarrassing. But there was more to come. After the prelude, the choir gathered in three groups at the back of the sanctuary and sang. Then I and the girls went up front to play the hymn of the day, before going back to our pew. A few minutes later, the choir went up front for the anthem. Then we got to sit again. After the sermon, Jennifer and Cecelia and I played the hymn on flute along with the organ. I am not sure anyone could hear us. I nearly passed out from all the air expended. And I was hungry.
There was a chance to sit for awhile, then we had communion. I was prepared to receive a wafer, but he was handing out chunks of bread. It threw me off and I forgot to intinct. I went back to the pew to sing communion hymns (which had been left out for the entire period of Lent). But before long, we arrived at the closing hymn. So three of us went up front to play.
And then it was over, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Chris brought my trombone case over so I could pack it up, and the stand as well. Then he asked about the flute. I was amazed that I had forgotten it. It was in the pew behind the kneeler. I cleaned it and packed it in the case. Then Chris picked up the bag with everything in it and the trombone and went to the car. I walked behind him, leaving the church, but then spying the cross that had been decorated with flowers before the service. People were taking pictures there. A lady offered to take our pic with my phone. That was very nice.
Chris said he was prepared to go grocery shopping on the way home. But I did not relish walking around the store. So he took me home and helped me change clothes. I took the seed crackers from the oven. I made breakfast while he went to the store. I ate my breakfast and took the doctors supplements and mine. I listened to an audio until Chris came back from the store. I put the glass measuring cup with unmelted fat bomb ingredients over a double boiler. I read e-mail until the contents were melted. Then I poured out 24 fat bombs and put them in the freezer to harden. It was such a nice sunny day that I sat outside and read. It was hard though, because the light was so bright. When I came in, I poured a second round of fat bombs. Then I sat down to jot notes for my blog.
I worked on the scrap challenge project while Chris baked fish in the oven for supper. I took a break to eat some fish and leftover sweet potato. I watched videos on how to treat allergies at home. I watched an episode of What's my Line and then Whose Line is it Anyway? But I gave up because there were so many commercial breaks. I asked Chris to put the battery back in the lawn mower. He found the compartment had water in it, which he sopped out with paper towels. I knocked down another wasp nest. He left the mower to dry and brought the battery back in.
I played some Solitaire, with the chillow on my foot, then retired to the living room to wait for Chris. He signed into Netflix and we watched two episodes of ST:NG. Then he went to bed. I stayed up to blog and take my evening supplements, noting that the supper supplements are still in the pill minder. Sigh.
* This is the cross that the kids decorated with flowers before the service. *

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