Monday, April 1, 2019

Back to sewing

I got up at 8:30. I brushed and swished and re-arranged scraps on my sewing table. I turned on the router. I drank water and took supplements. I boiled water and soaked the sprouts. I wrote two checks and put one in the mail. I kept the other for church.
I read e-mail and checked on the charity block for the modern quilt guild. Chris came home while I was preparing breakfast. I asked him to put my sewing machine in the car. He worked on his laptop, then prepared food and put it in the oven. I went to quilting.
All the ladies were gathered around the lunch tables. I talked to Rebecca until it was time to light the candles and sing to this month's birthday girls. Later I found a place to sit and set up shop. I looked at scraps from a bag and made decisions about how best to use the fabric and leftover blocks. I cut squares and strips for sashing and cornerstones. I packed up at 3 without ever taking my machine from the bag. I was able to get it in my trunk, and I drove home.
I jotted notes and listened to a podcast while eating apples and nuts. Then I collated the recyclables and put them out in the bin. Chris came home. He took the beef heart out of the oven and pronounced it ready. I ate a bowl of the soup which had chunks of meat and onion.
I took a walk and carried my phone. I took pics along the way, and then checked for 5g because I saw a WoW van at the neighbor's house. There was a 5G signal, but it must have been coming from somewhere else because it disappeared by the time I reached my yard.
William called just as I reached the door, and gave me an update on the cars. I called Dad but he did not answer. I spend some time making some blocks for the modern quilt guild. Chris brought my machine in from the car. I listened to the last 10 minutes of the podcast and started playing Solitaire. It was coming up on 8pm so I quickly ate, drank, and brushed my teeth; all for the test tomorrow which requires me to not do any of those things before I get to the doctor's office.
Then I practiced my trombone and flute. We watched two episodes of ST:NG. Then Chris made his lunch and went to bed while I looked up characters in the episodes and got caught up in clickbait. And now I am posting to my blog so I can go to bed.
* Alice and her quilt *

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