Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The day started out so well...

I woke up early and pulled the PEMF heating pad over me. I pulled the blankets over it and created a kind of sauna effect. I think I drifted off a few times. Then I turned it off and pushed it aside. I got up to check the time: 8:30. I went to the kitchen to have some water and get my day started. I took the enzymes that the doctor gave me which are to be taken on an empty stomach with no food or supplements for 45 minutes. I left the bottle in the bathroom so that tomorrow I can take it a few minutes earlier.
I swished, and made coffee. I cleaned the master bathroom, vacuumed in several rooms and washed the dishes in the sink. I boiled water to soak the next day's nuts. Then I turned on the router. I tapped along to a video with Nick. I took some niacin, when it kicked in, I started my lymph-moving exercises.
And that was as far as I got. When rolling my head in circles, I looked down too sharply and the muscle in my low back clenched. I took a muscle relaxer and laid down. When I tried to get up, I couldn't, so I ate the bananas and pecans in a bag at the head of the bed. Then I took meds for pain and inflammation with can of coconut water that I kept at the head of the bed. The meds made me dizzy, but I was able to get up to use the restroom. I tried to sleep, but my mind was frustrated and angry with this turn of events. I tapped. I got a phone call, and then the sirens outside went off. I guess it was just a test, but darned annoying.
So I got up and walked in back yard. I wanted to lie down on the grass in the sun but was afraid I could not get up again. I sat in the den and read more of the NAET book. I made copies of some pages from the workbook so I could return it to her tonight.
At two I went to the korean clinic. I was slow walking in and they came out to accompany me. He sat me at the desk and asked me to figure out how he can apply for a TN license. I found the application by calling. While he printed it, she showed me mail that she didn't know whether important or not. Then he and I worked on the application. When we got to the part about a background check, I could not find info on how to get a fingerprint sheet. I had been there for two hours, and I told her I was tired. So then they assisted me in lying on a table and he did cupping on my back. Then I rolled over, and he did acupuncture. After half an hour, he took the needles out and she taped my back.
I had trouble getting off the table, and did not feel any difference. They walked me to my car and gave me two boxes of onion juice. She said if I drank one packet each morning and evening that it would help my back heal. (????) When I got home, I took a short walk, but at a very slow pace. It did seem to help, unlike the acupuncture.
I ate some beef heart soup. I found markers and marked my new supplements with green M's for ones to take with meals, and put dosing in red. But it was still confusing and no way to know what I had already taken. I decided I needed a spread sheet that I could mark off during the day.
I listened to episode one of Broken Brain 2. I made breakfast, ate it and took the mealtime supplements. I tapped through another video with Nick. I jotted notes for the blog, and then meditated with Deepak.
As soon as it was over, I played one song on my trombone. Then we watched a Netflix DVD called Robot & Frank. It was a cute flick about an old forgetful man who gets a robot from his son to keep him straight. Afterward, Chris rubbed Icy Hot just below the taping on my back. I took my evening supplements and washed the faucet and mirror in the bathroom when I brushed my teeth. Then I converted my blog notes into full sentences so I could post and go to bed.
* A wallhanging of amusing sayings that Jane gave away yesterday. Beverly W. got it. *

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