Sunday, April 28, 2019

One thing crossed off the list

I printed out a shark bag pattern last night. Then I went to bed. My gut was uncomfortable but eventually that went away and I fell asleep.
When I woke up, Chris was already up. I used the restroom then went out to greet him. I started taking supplements and drinking water. I brushed and swished. I boiled water for nuts and soaked the sprouts. I put dots of glue on some disposable footies and left them to dry. I was still not walking so I did not go to church.
I listened to the next episode of Money Revealed:
John Mackey: founder of Whole Foods, doesn't take a salary, instead he gives it to foundations. He advocates Conscious capitalism, says business is inherently good because it creates value, serves the customer. The calling of leadership is to elevate humanity. Give something you care about your very best effort. Success is not guaranteed, but regret if you don't, is. There was also in interview with Mr. Harrison of Doterra essential oils; a direct marketing firm.
I made and ate breakfast. Chris put laundry in the washer, then went to the grocery store. I discovered that the booties were still not helpful in giving me traction to push myself around on the chair. When the first load of laundry was done, I moved it to the dryer. I watched a video on the dangers of 5G. Men like Mark Steele and Barrie Trower have come forward to share their knowledge and protest.
Chris came home with groceries. He put pork and cauliflower in the oven to roast. I went outside to enjoy the sun. I also watered all the plants and found a few weeds to pull. Then I came inside. I notified Chris of three budding wasp nests. He went out and knocked them down.
I decided to make a wool pressing mat with dowel inside for pressing seams open. I had to walk a few steps into my sewing room to get the fabric I wanted. I had a dowel and marked off the length I wanted. Chris sawed it for me with his multi-tool After I completed the mat, I laid it on my rolling sewing machine cart. I crossed it off my list and added the shark project.
I watched videos on allergy elimination, not able to find what I was looking for. I ate a can of soup and took the lunch supplements. Later Chris pulled the pork and cauliflower out of the oven and I had that for supper. I watched the next episode of Live Longer Feel Better. This one was about cancer. I didn't pay much attention because I was making up supplements for the next 7 days, replacing the doctor's supplements with mine as hers ran out. But the worse was substituting individual ones for Dr. John Gray's Super Minerals. I had all the separate ones, but the dosages were different. So some had to be doubled and others split up. Chris bought me a 28 unit pill minder. It was hard to fit so many supplements in each pocket.
We watched two episodes of ST:NG. Chris looked up one of the characters, then made his lunch and went to bed. I stayed up to blog.
* the wool pressing mat *

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