Saturday, April 6, 2019

The screaming is over

I woke Chris up about 6:30 to give me my morning supplement (prescribed by the NMD doctor). He was surprised that I hadn't slept all night. Later I asked for the homeopathics, and later still, breakfast. For breakfast he made oatmeal with fermented coconut milk. He did not know how to make my regular breakfast and it was difficult to describe. I could not finish the oatmeal. He put a fat bomb in a little dish with the breakfast supplements, and I ate that.
At 8:30 I took all three meds. About 10:30 the combined effect put me to sleep. I woke up about 2:30, still unable to move without pain and with my back looking for any excuse to spasm. I took the six hour pill. Chris played a docuseries on the laptop for me. I looked at messages on my phone. I called Faye and we talked at length. She said typical back pain treatment is 3 days in bed. She also said running out of meds was a perfectly good reason to go to the ER. At that point I was feeling a little less pain (as long as I didn't move) and the weather was nice, and an ambulance wouldn't wake up the neighbors. But when I mentioned this to Chris, he seemed to think that keeping up with the meds was going to take care of the situation. I thought it was better to go before the meds ran out and the pain was in full force.
After Faye's call, I finished my docuseries, then called Dad. He was resting with his feet up and fell sleep. His life was no better, but he sounded a little more coherent. He hadn't eaten his fat bombs, but he still had some left. His back hurt too, but then he was sitting on a foot rocker.
Chris left to get more Depends. My kidneys were working rather well. Regularity was not something I could claim, even though I had taken lots of magnesium and rubbed my back with magnesium oil. I was a little worried.
For lunch I had a can of soup. Then for supper Chris gave me chunks of beef heart and pickled garlic. Supplements came with that. The meds were harder to figure out. One was every 6 hours, another 8 hours and another 2x a day. Rather than taking them as needed, I figured I needed to keep the levels constant. But the shooting pains seemed to be telling me that only surgery was going to fix this problem. I hoped I was wrong.
I tried to meditate with Deepak, but the notifications kept interrupting. Chris could not figure out how to turn them off. Later I did, but it meant that I don't get notified about texts either. Sigh. But it made meditating easier. Except that for some reason the audio would take long pauses. Two good docu-series are going on right now: Broken Brain 2, and Quest for the Cure in Asia. The second one is about how cancer is treated in other countries. I wished I had been able to take notes.

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