Sunday, April 14, 2019

Best seat in the house

I got up at 7 when my alarm went off. I brushed and swished and took a shower. I found a really thin shirt that I was never going to wear and cut a half circle out of it to make a casing for the rolled up towel. I checked e-mail while taking supplements at intervals. When finished, I just had time to eat a handful of nuts before I had to run to church.
I got there just before 9. I assembled my trombone and took my seat (with the towel) with the brass players. Jennifer had us run through all the songs in a row and I got worried that my lip might not make it after all. After practicing with the trumpet and tuba players, I picked up my choir music and practiced with the choir. Then I returned Elaine's workbook and we chatted for awhile.
Just before the service started, I sat up front between the tuba and trumpet players. There were opening remarks and such, plus a reading. I was ready to stand before we got to the first hymn. I stood and played all through it. Jennifer told me later that I was so short probably no one realized I was standing. I was not amused. After the hymn we sat in the first pew. I took my sit-upon with me. I was grateful for every chance to stand up. I sang with the choir and then there were more readings. We read in unison all four accounts of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. The brass players played through 3 hymns. And when it was over, I was glad to walk. I put up my trombone and stand. Lars gave me an envelop with two returned checks. Ron talked to me at length and insulted my horn by calling it a bugle. Then Jennifer talked to me though I don't remember about what. She gave me a vase of rosemary and I gave her two vitamin E softgels. She also suggested that I leave the trombone there for next week. Since I have another one at home, I agreed. It was one less thing to carry.
I was so glad to get home. I ate seed crackers and marinated artichoke hearts, pulled pork and mustard, and a can of soup. I was listening to an audio when William called. It was all about Grandma's furniture. Chris texted from an airplane. One of his flights had been canceled and he had been re-routed. I sat with the heating pad, listening and reading.
Later I tried to take a walk because it was so sunny, but cut it short because the wind made me cold. I looked through my collection for quilt backings. I taped paper above curtain to block the morning sun that I noticed a few days ago. I ordered only orange quilt backing because I already had the red and blue that I needed. I listened to part of podcast on peptides, but it wasn't keeping my attention. Then I organized quilt blocks into columns, and pinned them together.
I meditated with Deepak and the chillow. I listened to podcasts, and made breakfast for supper. As I did that, I refilled small containers and made more chia/flax mix. There was a presentation on using hormesis for improving mitochondrial function – breath holding, sauna, cold shower, exercise, infrared light, etc. I took another walk, this time with a coat and hood. It was still windy but since I was properly dressed, I completed the walk. It was dark and quiet in the neighborhood and no cars passed me.
When I got back, I wrote down all the ingredients in all the supplements that the doctor gave me. Then I added up all the different vitamins and minerals and such since they overlap. I discovered that none of them contain vitamin B7, D, or K2. Nor is there any astaxanthin, curcumin, chromium or lithium.
I popped in one of the movies that Lauri had lent me called Nim's Island. I practiced the flute while the previews played. I rather liked the movie although some things were not quite believable. Then I sat down to write my blog and hoped to hear from Chris that he finally got to his hotel.

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