Friday, January 31, 2020

Sympathy notes

I got up at 7:45. I brushed and swished. I chose fabric, then prepared and packed a project for tomorrow. I took supplements. I cut strips of yellow netting so I could put the roll away. I listened to a video on gut health but did not learn anything new.
I called Dad. He sounded pretty good at first. He told me he slipped out of bed in the middle of the night and could not get Patrick's attention. So after a while he crawled into the bathroom and pulled himself up at the toilet. He said his caregiver came this morning and told him her little boy was in the hospital. She told him to go back to bed and she left. When he talked to me, he was neither dressed nor fed.
I took protein supplements, waited to take the vit C. I washed some bowls and glass jars, and soaked the sprouts. Then I swallowed the fat-soluble supplements and colostrum. I read some e-mail, and then had breakfast. I spent time composing two sympathy notes. My handwriting wasn't great, so I printed them out. I texted back and forth with Kurt.
I called Dad again. He said he spent half an hour walking up and down the driveway since there was no one to take him for a walk. He said he left a message for Faye to call me. And she did, so I hung up with him. Faye was on her way to his house. I told her everything he had told me this morning. I offered to make a donation for her.
After the call, I went for a walk. I missed Chris' call from the airport. I turned on the wi-fi, and went to post office. I didn't find much there. When I got back, I tried to imagine a way to add a band to Chris' costume without adding bulk. Chris came home, and unpacked. He got on his laptop. I looked for an online option to donate to a charity, but they only gave an address. I called Faye to tell her.
For supper, I heated up bean soup and yucca. I made a salad, and had a little bit of fermented coconut milk. I looked online for MMST silica. We watched “Social Network” , courtesy of Netflix. It was the story of Mark Zuckerburg building Facebook. Afterward, I helped Chris pick stuff to add to our queue. I took supplements again. I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.
* This is a quilt Jane made and showed off on Tuesday. *

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