Monday, February 1, 2021

Hurting for Hymns

We got up at 8:30. I made and drank hydrogen water, then read by the Happylight. I checked e-mail, then washed up and got dressed for church, but with walking shoes on. We walked to the chapel, not far behind Johnnie.

When we got there, I talked to Eileen, but all too soon it was time for the service. We sang songs which were a little hard to follow. The chaplain gave the sermon and we sang one more song. Eileen said the guitar player sent a message at 1am that he couldn't do the songs requested. So we were singing the emergency fill-in songs. I said I might have some hymns on CD.

We walked home, stopping at the post office for me to take a pic of the poster about the community garden. I made and ate breakfast, then watched the Huntsville service. It was especially good, but it was the pastor's last Sunday. Starting next week, they will have a new pastor.

I read e-mail, and listened to interviews. I looked up free hymns and found a file of 200. I burned them to a CD which already had something old on it. Chris sent me his comments on the swap shop proposal. I made the changes and sent it back to him so he could send it to the medic for his approval. I also put the next track on the headphones. I put on a coat and went outside to rake up leaves to make into compost. Mostly the leaves were stuck in the grass, but I got a few.

I made a salad for supper. Chris browned some ground beef for me so I put some on the salad. I found the interviews from Day 6: the first one was on mistreatment of food animals so go vegan. Another was on covid vaccines: not well tested, not shown to stop transmission or to keep you from getting asymptomatic infection. Once vaccinated, you can't get unvaccinated. If you have a reaction, the medical staff may not know how to treat you because they don't understand how the new vaccines work. No one in the process has liability.

I made my evening drink. We watched several episodes of Community, stopping to look up familiar actors and actresses. Then I wrote up my blog and got ready for bed.

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