Sunday, May 16, 2021

A new angel in heaven

I had my usual morning. Chris gave me a massage and I took a shower and made breakfast. I checked e-mail and saw that Faye was posting on Facebook so I called her. She told me about her visit with Dad yesterday, and we discussed other things. Then Chris reminded me it was time to go. He put my sewing machine in my car and I drove to the chapel. I opened the building and turned on the lights. I set up my machine and my sewing project. The two girls showed up first, then Jenni and their mom. We waited a few minutes in case someone else would come but no one did. Then Jenni taught the girls to make baby hats while I sewed on my project. Their mom started a hat too, and used my machine to finish the book mark she started two weeks ago. I finished my project except for the white border. We packed up and I went home.

Chris came and took the machine out of my car. I went outside to treat gopher holes. Then Chris came out with my phone. It was Faye, calling to say Dad had passed away. I sat down in stunned disbelief. We were both feeling a little lost. We talked about who to call. I hung up and called Karen, and then Kurt. I called William and Karen was with him. They went to see Faye while I got on Facebook to let extended family know what happened. I also texted a few people. Chris called Michele and his parents. They called Marie and she e-mailed me.

Chris offered to make me supper but I wasn't ready to eat. I went out for a walk to clear my head. I found several droppings from some canine animal. I told Chris and he came out to look, saying it was probably coyote. I picked up the droppings and put some in several gopher holes. Then I washed my hands and ate supper. I watched one short video, then Chris and I talked about flights to Richmond tomorrow. I called Eileen to ask her about the SLC airport. She thought everything was labeled well. We had a nice chat.

Then I started packing. Chris tried to install the Delta app on my phone and for some reason it did not work. He called Delta and waited over an hour. I am not sure they ever answered. Packing is usually something I do over the course of a week, but only had an evening to make all the decisions. Chris got frustrated with me (and Delta) and went to bed. I stayed up long enough to blog and pray that I didn't forget anything important (or expensive to replace).

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