Friday, May 7, 2021


Last night I had trouble regulating my temp so it interrupted my sleep. But I got up just before the alarm went off. I watered potted plants, started the lemon protocol, then went outside to water the flowerbed plants becauseI had forgotten last night. I put the beet tops which were rooting in vermiculite in bag to protect them from whatever is eating them. It must be the gnats. I changed water for all the things rooting in water. I searched high and low for my 4-cup measure and finally found it in the oven where I had put it to dry. Then I fed the worms a frozen dinner (food scraps).

I skipped the Happylight because the days are much longer now. I read e-mail and listened to news casts. To take advantage of the sun, I went outside and mowed on the sunny side.

When the lemon protocol was over, I made breakfast, listening to a presentation called “the brain is the battlefield of the future” by Dr Giordano. Pretty scary stuff. Chris came home with junk mail and lightbulbs from a contractor who said these were from Home Depot. Then I watched The Highwire. They interviewed the school admin that wants the teachers to wait until school is over to get their shot. Also, they interview a man and his autistic son. They co-wrote a book called Underestimated after the son was taught to touch letters to spell out his responses. He was very smart and articulate. His brain was working well, but his body could not express itself in speech.

Heather came by for some plants. I gave her tomatoes, sweet potatoes and yams. I started mowing again, then decided to go to the other side. But then the mower did not come back on. I checked the blade and the battery and the key. Nothing wrong but no power. All I could do was take the battery inside to recharge. The charger turned green right away so I don't think the charge was the problem. Sigh.

I did some more reading on the internet, then brought some seedlings inside. I called William for his opinion on the mower and he said to charge the battery also. I went to Coyote Run, near the Self-Help to rake up some decaying wood chips. I took them to the garden where I spread compost tea and the chips. I did not have cardboard.

When I got home, I put supper in the oven and read e-mail. Chris came home from Mass and then left to buy a pizza. I finished the warm super, then I made a salad. After more reading on the internet, I made tea, and watered the outdoor plants while it heated, we watched two episodes of Warehouse 13 which came from Netflix. Then we went straight to bed.

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