Sunday, May 2, 2021

A day of nice chats

I did not sleep as well as I had hoped last night, even after taking half of the sleep supplement. I got up around 8 and Chris was already up. I drank several cups of water, then watered all the indoor plants and the worms. I started the lemon water routine, brushed my teeth, and read a book for half an hour. Then I read e-mail for several hours. I called Faye and we talked about her visit with Dad yesterday. Then I tried to call him. He did not answer his cell phone, and when I called his room, an automated voice said 'call refused'. It would have been around lunch time for him, so that might have had something to do with it.

I asked Chris for a massage and he complied in time. Then he took a shower and then I got mine. I put on a shirt and shorts since the weather was so nice. I made breakfast, then packed up my bookmark project and some fabric. Chris put my machine in the trunk and I headed to the chapel.

When I got there, I remembered the second machine. So I went back for it and Chris put it in my car. I got both machines set up in fellowship hall and prepared to work on the purple project. But then one of the girls was knocking on the door so I let her and her sister in. Their mother wasn't far behind. We all did the project and worked on whipstitching. One tried to stitch her name with the machine, then asked me. I embroidered it on with a hand sewing needle. Then the girls went out to play while we adults had conversation. After they left, I packed up my stuff, wondering how the pins got left behind. We had to use needles instead. Sigh.

When I got home, Chris told me I had missed a call from Beverly. So I called her back and we had a nice chat. It was a gorgeous day, so I drove over to Coyote Run and raked up a batch of rotting wood chips. I decided to swing by the post office on my way to the garden. I picked up several packages and ran into Melissa, my next door neighbor. We had a good conversation. She's tired of her gophers, too. After that, I went to the garden. I spread some compost tea and added more water. I was out of cardboard, so I laid down packing paper and covered that with wood chips. I was going to dump a failed mushroom experiment only to discover that a small pink mushroom was growing. Hmmm. Then I went home. I put three eggs in the toaster oven. Then I watered stuff outdoors and turned the compost piles. I also filled gopher holes. I ate supper while watching Day 5 of the sleep summit. It comes with some guided meditations, but you have to download their app to get them.

I made tea and we watched “I care a lot” on Netflix. It was the most engaging, edge-of-my-seat movie I have seen in a long time. A care home executive runs a con where she gets older people remanded into her care by the courts, sells off their assets, and then runs through all their money to pay her care home fees. But this time she picked the wrong mark. Afterward, I put away my laundry and we made the bed. I heard strong winds outside and hoped my plants would be ok. I wrote my blog post with no notes to go by. Then it was time for bed.

* While I was picking out this pic, I heard the wind blow the wheelbarrow over. *

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