Friday, May 14, 2021

Captured gopher

I used the headphones and fell asleep. I slept ok. I woke up ruminating and almost forgot to do some mental programming. It was interrupted by my alarm. I got up, watered the plants, and started the lemon water protocol. I found where the gnats are hiding and swept them up. I don't know why they were hiding in a place with no food or water.

I took a shower and got dressed. I cut the fabric I will need to complete a project on Saturday. I watered gopher holes in an effort to get them to move. I read a book, then turned on the router.

I did several internet searches, collating the results. I checked e-mail and deleted a lot. Finally I made breakfast. Chris came home for lunch for a short time, bring me the mail. I watched TheHighwire: Chinese were combining SarsCov with HIV protein and Hep C back in 2006. Lewybodies were found in the brains of macaques infected with the spike protein. For strep throat, antibiotics are prescribed so the patient won't develop antibodies because those antibodies will also attack the heart. The mRNA shots contain billions of encoded messages, inducing a higher spike protein load than natural exposure of person to person contact. Misfolded proteins can cause misfolding in proteins they touch. Adult doses were used in the Pfizer adolescent trials.

I went out the front door and found a gopher on the porch. I tried to shoo him away with the rake handle, but he wouldn't go. He attacked the handle and even bared his teeth at me. Finally I got a plastic tub from recycling and placed it over him. He was not happy. I put in some chewed up sugarcane and he liked that. I sent Chris a text asking what I should do with it.

I went back to my laptop, reading about the magnet challege where people who were vaccinated show how a magnet sticks to the injection site, but not to other sites. I also posted the class for Saturday on the local FB page.

When Chris did not respond, I went outside to scoop up dirt and fill the holes the gophers made. They have been very active. I was inside when Chris came home briefly before mass. I told him the story of the gopher and he said the gopher must be sick to act like that. He left for Mass.

I put scrambled eggs with peppers in the toaster oven. I made a salad with the leftover sprouts, plus anything I could find growing outside. The lettuce is growing well, and the one I thought had died, is coming back from the roots. I also picked some dandelion and cut out the latexy stems.

I listened to an interview . Chris came home with a pizza. I watched David Martin, who is both a doctor and a lawyer, explain the proof he posted showing that Fauci broke the law in bringing a virus here from China for research at UNC Chapel Hill. I made tea and we watched two episodes of some new superhero show that Chris noticed on Netflix. I fell asleep on the couch for awhile. Then I sat at my laptop to compose my blog and catch up on the latest notifications. Chris went to bed and I followed when I finished.

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