Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Pictures, pictures, everywhere

When I was ready for bed, Patrick was well underway vaccuuming. He was very industrious. If only he had started earlier. I searched high and low for my mp3 headphones. I had given up on them when I noticed one end sticking out from my laptop. I retired for the night and slept better than last night.

I got up around 7:30ish. I washed up and got dressed. I put on vitamin patches and brushed my teeth. It was almost 9 so I woke up Patrick and asked him to move the laundry he left in the livingroom. I had just minutes to check e-mail before the pastor arrived. Faye showed up at the same time. We sat in the livingroom and discussed the funeral service. But for some reason had a hard time staying on topic and getting decisions made. Finally the pastor said we could call him anytime and he left.

I cooked two eggs and ate them while talking to Faye. She called for an interpreter for Donna, and to arrange an organist. She got a note from the funeral home that Dad might not be ready by Saturday and did we have an alternative date for the funeral. We had so much invested in the Saturday service that we thought to have it anyway, but call it a memorial service.

We searched through hundreds of pictures looking for ones of Dad. I took pics of them with my phone and transferred them to my laptop. I also searched through old picture files and moved them to a special file. Then I cropped the phone pics and went to move them to the special file, but it was gone. I made another special file. Faye found more while I was cropping. She called Kevin B and he said just come over 'cause he had software to crop them. So I packed up my laptop and we headed over.

When we got there, he downloaded the special file to his computer. But I hadn't finished all the pics so I had to move them to the file and he had to download again. He was able to marry the stream of pics to an instrumental piece called “I did it my way”. We talked about the service, etc, and the conversation got off topic. It was an interesting conversation but finally we left so he could get ready for his next thing.

We went back to Dad's house. I heated chicken and casserole for supper. Faye and I talked about what to do tomorrow. We put pics away, finding another book of pictures. She called the funeral home and they said everything was fine now and ontrack. The doctor had finally signed the death certificate. After more chitchat, Faye went home. I called Chris. Kurt arrived. I talked to Kurt and then Chris called back about making flight reservations. I called Faye to see if she could drive him to the airport. Then she called him. I talked to Kurt some more, and then he and Patrick went out for a very late night meal.

I brushed my teeth and deleted e-mail. I looked at the found picture album. I was very young when the pics were taken. I wrote my blog post as best I could remember. I found the special file - the other laptop! I had no good way to get them to this laptop, but then it is a little late now that the pics have been turned in. Then I got ready for bed, hoping to be asleep before Kurt and Patrick get back.

* My dad as a much younger man. *

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