Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Dead fish

I slept ok last night, except for a few hot flashes and being woken early with Reveille and Chris getting ready for work. However, when my alarm went off at 7:30, I got up without a single I'd-rahter-be-in-bed thought. I drank several cups of water, then washed some dishes and started the lemon protocol. I watered all the seedlings and checked on the worms. I spritzed the sack of future carrots.

I read my book for half an hour and did some tapping. I laid out all my supplement bottles, then put on a talk about crypto. I listened to that while I parsed out 14 days of supplements, and added more to my cart. It took so long that it was time for breakfast when I finished. Thankfully Chris was late coming home so we were not in each other's way.

After breakfast I read e-mail and caught up on the latest news. Thousands of koi fish in Coconut Grove died overnight and authorities don't know why. Trying to break away from the internet, there was always one more thing to read or watch. Finally about 4:30 I went outside to water the compost and throw in more scraps. I saw new holes back there, so I blended up some sardines and poured some of the water in each hole. I even added some castor oil pellets.

I read some more, focusing on low fodmap foods. There are many lists but they don't all agree. Then I checked Johnnie's house and plants. Her plants were fine, but gophers were frollicing in their yard. I went home and back to reading news stories, other e-mail and articles.

Chris came home and started cooking ground beef. I went raking in Coyote run, then headed to the garden. I spread compost tea and cardboard, then emptied the box and the tub of chips on top. There was a pipe with water running out of it in front of the gardens. I turned it off. When I got home, I asked Chris if I did the right thing, and he said yes. I thought all outdoor water was turned off at some central source so the pipe wouldn't freeze.

I took the pre-meal supplement, then set the timer for 30 minutes. I read a pdf of a 3-day jump start to improve brain function. I was doing everything on the list already, except taking the supplement they recommended. I went to the site to read the ingredients. Most of them I already had, except the caterpillar fungus. Is that a thing now? I guess it improves memory because you are not likely to forget eating it. (I skipped that).

I started listening to Day 7 of the sleep summit. I paused it to made tea. We watched a Netflix movie called Stowaway. I didn't like the ending. I brushed my teeth and sat down to look up one of the actresses, then to write my blog.

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