Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas dinner with the Damours


I wore Cecily's nightgown and had hot flashes because it had long sleeves. It took me more than an hour to fall asleep. I woke with my ears ringing. I turned off the phone alarm when it rang at 7:30 and stayed in bed waiting for my morning cortisol rise.

I got up about 9. I took bromelain, then brushed my teeth. I stripped the bed and put the sheets and clothing in the hamper. I read e-mail and messages from the telegram channel. I watched Chris and Cecily make pies. Al and I went for a 1 mile walk. I listened to an interview.

I made and ate breakfast while the others ate lunch. I finished a Ben Greenfield podcast with Dr. Peter McCullough. I practiced my trombone and Cecily sang along. I reduced my unread e-mail to below 1000. I looked up images of sheet music and videos of Christmas songs, trying to match the key. I found a video that played 5 songs on piano, and found the notation for each one.

The food channel played back to back episodes of chef Michael challenging chefs making their specialty item. One item was called khachapuri adjaruli. It is a bread boat filled with cheeses served hot with an egg yolk and butter on top. It looked so good! And seemed simple to make.

Chris and Cecily worked in the kitchen making our Christmas dinner. I got to eat turkey innards while the others got white turkey meat. We also had peas and onions, rutabaga, rolls, cranberry orange relish, and a sweet potato for me. Then Chris and Cecily made whipped cream and they had pumpkin and pecan pies. Chris did most of the clean-up, but we all helped.

Cecily retired to her chair. She wanted to hear more Christmas music, so I got out my trombone again and played with the video of five songs. It went well except for the last song, which was too high on the treble clef for me. Later she went to bed, leaving the food channel on. They were showing cookie challenges.

I wrote up my blog posts and got ready for bed.

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